Internal Medicine

Diagnosis and Management

Allergies are our immune system’s attempt to protect us from common allergens like pollen, dust mites, animal dander, insect stings, latex, molds, food and certain medications. For many of us, an allergic response is an over activation of our immune system. This reaction usually triggers symptoms – runny nose, cough, sore or tight throat, inflamed stuffy sinuses, headaches or sometimes stomach pain or rashes on the skin. It can also be more serious and cause a life-threatening condition, such as asthma exacerbation and anaphylaxis – the closing off of your airways.                 

Our skilled, world-renown health care team will review your medical history to identify triggers contributing to your symptoms.  A diagnostic evaluation is provided via skin testing to determine allergies, possible patch testing and if necessary oral challenge may be considered. Many people diagnosed with allergies also have asthma.  Our health care providers will identify the type of inflammation in the lungs using biomarkers and develop a customized treatment plan.  Our staff is trained in providing face to face education on how to use prescription medications, such as various inhalers or epi-pen injectors, to help patients maintain an active life and avoid allergic reactions and asthma attacks. This personalized approach will help you successfully manage your allergies, prevent asthma attacks and get you back to your active, daily routines.  

Conditions Associated with Asthma

Often eczema presents early in life and can be indicative of allergies and asthma later in life (referred to as the atopic march).  Atopic is defined as a genetic predisposition to allergies. Atopic eczema also called atopic dermatitis is a common chronic or recurrent inflammatory skin disease. There are key characteristics that are unique to eczema

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