Center for Global Health and Inter-Disciplinary Research
John Adams, PhD
Functional Genomics of Malaria Parasites -
Amy Alman, PhD
Epidemiology of the oral-systemic connection in cardiovascular disease and diabetes -
Christian Brechot, MD, PhD
Coordination of the USF Initiative on Microbiomes -
Mya Breitbart, PhD
Viral Discovery using Metagenomics; DNA Barcoding of Marine Organisms from Bacteria to Vertebrates -
Feng Cheng, PhD
Computer Aided Drug Discovery and Development -
Liwang Cui, PhD
Functional genomics to understand drug resistance and sexual development of malaria parasites -
Larry Dishaw, PhD
Immunological mechanisms of the gut microbiome -
Thao Ho, DO
Anemia, oral iron supplementation, and intestinal health in very low birth weight infants -
Rays Jiang, PhD
Computational and Integrative biology approach to genomics -
Nataša Jonoska
Mathematical models for DNA-DNA and RNA-DNA interactions -
Kami Kim, MD
Pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis and malaria -
Stephen Liggett, MD
Genomics approach to drug discovery and personalized medicine -
Xiaoming Liu, PhD
Computational Human Genomics -
Jesper Madsen
Computational structural biology and the molecular basis of disease -
Mark Margres
Evolutionary Genomics -
Lynn Martin, PhD
Ecoimmunology and Disease Ecology -
Thomas McDonald, MD
Functional Genomics in Cardiovascular Disease -
Tara Randis, MD, MS
Pathogenesis of Group B Streptococcus in the Neonate -
Christina Richards
Ecological Genomics and Epigenetics -
Kathleen Scott
Comparative genomics of autotrophic organisms -
Lindsey Shaw, PhD
Genomics approach to bacterial pathogenesis and antibacterial drug discovery -
Xingmin Sun, PhD
Allergy, Immunology & Infectious Disease -
Gopal Thinakaran, Ph.D.
Genomics of Neurodegenerative Disease -
Yi-Cheng Tu
Parallel algorithms and systems for computational biology -
Monica Uddin, PhD
Genomics of social adversity and stress-related mental disorders -
Arjanvander Vaart
Computational Biophysical Chemistry -
Derek Wildman, PhD
Evolutionary Genomics of Human Health and Disease -
Lee Woodcock
Computational Chemistry/Biophysical Chemistry -
Bi Zhao, PhD
Molecular biology, multi-omics data analysis, machine learning, and database development