USF Health Leadership
USF Health is...
A commitment to the full spectrum of health - from the environment to the community to the individual.
A partnership of the colleges of medicine, nursing, public health, and pharmacy at the University of South Florida.
Research, Education and Patient Care Missions - accomplished with creative educational models, focused on emerging fields of research, breaking the boundaries of traditional health care delivery models to meet the changing needs of a growing community.
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USF Health Senior Staff
Javier Cuevas, PhD
Sr. Associate Vice President of Faculty and Academic Affairs, USF Health, Vice Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs, MCOM
Renee Dubault
Renee Dubault
Sr. Associate Vice President & Chief of Staff, USF Health, Chief Executive Officer, Univ. Medical Service Association
Leigh Ann Drexler, MBA
Leigh Ann Drexler, MBA
Assistant Vice President, Business and Finance, USF Health; Controller, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine
Jacqueleen Reyes Hull, Ed.D.
Associate Vice President, Administration & Organizational Strategy, USF Health Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives MCOM
Stephen B. Liggett, MD
Sr. Assoc. Vice Pres. for Research, USF Health, Vice Dean for Research, MCOM & Prof. Internal Med., MPP & Medical Engineering
Catherine M. Lynch, MD
Associate Vice President, Women's Health Associate Dean, Faculty Development, USF Health
Mark Moseley, MD, MHA, CPE
President, USF Tampa General Physicians, Professor & Chair, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Morsani College of Medicine
Donald (Don) Mullins
Assistant Vice President for Health Affairs, Deputy Chief of Staff at USF Health, Assistant Professor of Public Health Practice
Daniel Vukmer, JD
Senior Associate Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer, USF Health Senior Associate Dean, MCOM
Jay Wolfson, DrPH, JD
Sr. Assoc. Vice Pres. USF Health, Sr. Assoc. Dean, MCOM, Distinguished Service Prof. COPH, MCOM, TCOP, Industrial Engineering
Andre Spitzer
Andre Spitzer
Assistant Vice President and Deputy Chief of Staff, USF Health
USF Health Administration
Olga J. Joanow, JD
Associate Vice President for Faculty Relations, USF Health Associate Dean for Faculty Relations, MCOM
Monica Matos
Associate Vice President, USF Health Communications and Marketing
Joanne Sullivan
Assistant Vice President of Community Engagement, USF Health
Caitlin Wolf
Assistant Vice President for Administration and Organizational Strategy, USF Health