USF Health is...
- A commitment to the full spectrum of health - from the environment to the community to the individual.
- A partnership of the colleges of medicine, nursing, public health, and pharmacy at the University of South Florida.
- Research, Education and Patient Care Missions - accomplished with creative educational models, focused on emerging fields of research, breaking the boundaries of traditional health care delivery models to meet the changing needs of a growing community.
Bryan A. Bognar, MD, MPH, FACPVice Dean for Educational Affairs, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine
Dena Evans, EdD, MPH, MSN, RN, CNEVice Dean of Academic Affairs, USF Health College of Nursing Emeritus Professor, School of Nursing
Joseph Ford, JDJoseph Ford, JDAssociate Vice President, USF Health Shared Student Services
Haru Okuda, MD, FACEP, FSSHAssociate Vice President, Office of Interprofessional Education and Practice CEO, Health Professions Conferencing Corporation
Tricia Penniecook, MD, MPHVice Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs, USF Health College of Public Health
Erini Serag-Bolos, PharmDAssociate Professor, USF Health Taneja College of Pharmacy
Janice Zgibor, RPh, PhDProfessor, Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, USF Health College of Public Health