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Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative

Pregnant in the Last Year?

Pregnant in the last year

Preventing Maternal Mortality - Training for Hospital Emergency Departments Webinar

Training for Hospital Emergency Departments Webinar

The Florida Hospital Association, Florida College of Emergency Physicians, and FPQC hosted a call on June 7, 2023. Participants learned about the tools and resources available for hospital emergency departments to adopt to reduce maternal mortality in Florida. The slides and recording of the call are below.

Emergency Room Resources

These ER resources are provided as part of the FPQC Postpartum Access and Continuity of Care (PACC) Initiative. Please visit the PACC Website and PACC Toolbox for comprehensive initiative information and resources!

Community Resources

  • Podcast on Postpartum Hypertension: Lee County Public Safety featured Lee Health and Healthy Start on a podcast to discuss their efforts to standardize EMS treatment for postpartum hypertension.