Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative
Quality Improvement Methods
Quality Improvement Training for Perinatal Professionals
Target Audience: Obstetric and neonatal physicians, midwives, nurses, administrators, educators, and hospital quality improvement teams. Anyone working in the perinatal field is invited to attend, but the emphasis will be on hospital QI.
Commitment: Attendance by an inter-professional team (min. 3 team members) on 5 one-hour virtual educational sessions, held over a 10-week period of time.
Training Session Topics:
- Identifying the problem
- Developing process maps
- Creating key driver diagrams
- Understanding types of data and determining measures
- Prioritization matrices
- Generating solutions and sustaining change
- Understanding variation and creating PDSA cycles
Participant Requirements: Must attend in project teams of at least 3 people per site, and must complete training session pre-work, commit to attend all 5 virtual sessions, and complete homework. Trainers will be available after each virtual session to assist teams, and can provide technical assistance between sessions.
Pre-Work: Identify any small scope (~6 month) QI problem statement. We recommend your project be a sub-section of a larger QI project (for example, 1 piece of the MORE, PROVIDE, PAIRED, or other QI project).
Maya Balakrishnan, MD, CSSBB
Maya Balakrishnan, MD, CSSBBAssociate Professor of Pediatrics, USF
Director of Quality and Safety, USF GME
Associate Director of Clinical and Quality Management, FPQC -
Karen Fugate, MSN, RNC-NIC CPHQ
Karen Fugate, MSN, RNC-NIC CPHQPerformance Improvement Specialist, Tampa General Hospital