Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative
Initiatives in Sustainability
In July 2023, FPQC launched the Mother-Focused Care Initiative (MFC) with 67 Florida hospitals, covering 64% of birthing hospitals and 68% of births statewide. The initiative was developed to help support hospital efforts to ensure that mothers are screened for health-related social needs, as well as improving respectful maternity care practices. The active phase ended in November 2024; however, 29 hospitals have committed to continuing MFC efforts through January 2028.
Sustainability Resources for Hospitals:
In January 2023, FPQC launched the Postpartum Access & Continuity of Care (PACC) Initiative with 75 Florida hospitals, covering 72% of birthing hospitals and 81% of births statewide. The initiative aimed to improve maternal health by working with providers, hospitals, and other stakeholders to facilitate a seamless continuum of postpartum care. This included arranging and providing respectful, timely, and risk-appropriate coordinated care and services. The active phase ended in June 2024; however, 60 hospitals have committed to continue submitting data to FPQC through 2027.
Sustainability Resources for Hospitals: