Current Residents & Fellows
Resident Assistance Program
Available 24/7/365
Call one of these numbers:
- 813-870-3344
- 727-576-5164
- 800-343-4670
When scheduling appointments, keep in mind that office hours are 8:30AM-4:30PM; with flexible hours in urgent situations.
As a resident/fellow at USF Health, you are an important member of our team. USF Health takes a special interest in your well-being on and off the job. With this as an important consideration, USF GME offers a Resident Assistance Program (RAP). The service is established through non-University providers to assure privacy and freedom from interaction with colleagues or supervisors. RAP is committed to assisting residents in any area of their personal and professional life so that they may go through residency in a balanced, growth producing manner. Your contact with the RAP is confidential and provided within the parameters of professional ethics and applicable state and federal law.
Services Provided
Up to eight (8) visits per year by you and/or each of your dependents are free at no charge to you or your family member.
RAP is staffed by highly qualified professionals to assist with multiple areas of concern such as:
- Work life balance
- Emotional or behavioral health concerns
- Marital or relationship struggles
- Substance abuse or dependency
- Family matters
- Grief or loss
- Legal and financial concerns
- Professional development such as time management, communication and interpersonal skills
Contact Information
To receive assistance simply call RAP at the designated number 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- 813-870-3344
- 727-576-5164
- 800-343-4670
After normal business hours a live service will take your call and your RAP representative will call you shortly thereafter.
RAP Provider websiteRAP Quarterly Newsletters