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Visiting Residents & Fellows

The USF Health Morsani College of Medicine (USF MCOM) and GMEC endorses visiting residents from non-USF programs in order to gain additional educational experiences.

It is our policy to properly screen all visiting residents regardless of the duration of the rotation. All required information must be completed and submitted in a timely manner prior to the start of your rotation.

Program Directors are obligated to notify the USF GME Office when they wish to have a visiting resident from another program into their rotation, as well as determine if their ACGME-accredited program requires RRC approval for a temporary increase in the number of residents. Visiting resident rotations must support the USF MCOM mission and/or provide a unique educational opportunity for the resident/fellow. The presence of visiting residents must not interfere with the education of USF-appointed residents.

If you have any questions, please contact Carmela Villanueva.

The following policies apply to visiting residents:

  • There is a moratorium on processing visiting applicants from March 1st through July 31st.  No requests will be reviewed or processed during this time. 
  • The USF GME Visiting Resident policy can be downloaded here
  • The Visiting Resident instructions and required forms can be downloaded here
  • A $250 application fee is required at the time of application to offset the costs of processing visiting resident applications.
  • A visiting resident must be a trainee in good standing at a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
  • The USF Health Morsani College of Medicine does not provide health, liability or malpractice insurance for visiting residents.