GMEC Structure
Meeting Schedule for 2025
Catch up on the short educational sessions at the end of GMEC.
USF On Demand
For questions related to the GMEC meetings, please contact us.
Date | Time | Teleconference Location |
8/14/2024 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm | Teams Meeting |
10/9/2024 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm | Teams Meeting |
12/11/2024 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm | Teams Meeting |
2/12/2025 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm | Teams Meeting |
4/9/2025 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm | Teams Meeting |
6/11/2025 | 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm | Teams Meeting |
Participate in a GMEC Subcommittee
Annual Institutional Review (AIR) Subcommittee
The chair is selected by the GMEC Chair and DIO. Committee members are selected by GMEC chair with resident representation. This subcommittee will meets biannually at minimum. The subcommittee is responsible for performing the annual institutional review and developing a quality improvement plan for graduate medical education at the institutional level.
Interested? Contact Victoria Wales
Research Subcommittee
The chair of this subcommittee is selected by the GMEC chair. Membership is open to interested program directors. The resident who serves as the Research representative on the Resident Advisory Council (RAC) will be a standing member of the subcommittee. The subcommittee's purpose will be to highlight important educational literature in graduate medical education to the GMEC, help residents and program directors develop scholarly products, review all studies requesting IRB approval involving residents, and develop collaborative research projects across programs.
Interested? Contact John Scott.
Clinical Learning Environment Review (CLER) Subcommittee
The chair for this subcommittee is the quality officer of GMEC. Membership should include a representative from all major affiliates and residents representing quality improvement and patient safety from the resident advisory council. This subcommittee will develop the infrastructure and policies to coordinate the CLER focus areas of quality improvement, patient safety, and supervision between trainees and affiliated hospitals. The subcommittee will also help develop and track resident integration in QI/PS at the affiliate sites.
Interested? Contact Victoria Wales.
Special Assessment Subcommittee
The chair of this subcommittee is selected by GMEC chair. Membership is open to interested program directors and includes at least one resident. Membership will be reviewed annually. This subcommittee will develop and maintain the policy for special assessments. They will be responsible for performing special assessments or internal reviews. Subsequently, the committee will provide GMEC with a formal report and track programs who have completed a special assessment to ensure improvement. Finally, members on this committee will also serve as ombudsmen for programs needing this additional resource to evaluate issues within the program.
Interested? Contact Helen Memoli.
Program Review Subcommittee
The chair of this subcommittee is the GMEC chair. Membership is open to interested program directors and includes at least one resident annually. The charge of this committee is to review program metrics including the annual program review, annual updates, case logs, board pass rates, and ACGME surveys. Results of the reviews will be tracked in dashboards and presented to the GMEC on a bimonthly basis. The committee will also make recommendations to the Special Assessment Committee on Programs that may need a Special Assessment.
Interested? Contact Victoria Wales.
Wellness Subcommittee
The chair of the Wellness subcommittee is selected by the DIO. Membership is open to interested program directors, associate program directors, education coordinators, residents, and faculty. The resident who serves as the wellness representative on the Resident Advisory Committee (RAC) will be a standing member of the subcommittee. The Committee will have at least one dedicated GME staff member for technical and administrative support. The Wellness Committee meets at least quarterly and plans the institutional wellness curriculum, maintains the wellness website, coordinates with the wellness initiatives for the housestaff and plans activities focused on wellness.
Interested? Contact Carmela Villanueva.
Culture, Engagement & Enrichment (CEE) Subcommittee
The chair of the Culture, Engagement, and Enhancement Committee is selected by the DIO. Membership is open to interested program directors, associate program directors, education coordinators, residents, and faculty and affiliate hospital GME administrators. The Culture, Engagement & Enrichment (CEE) Committee will meet at least quarterly and is charged with:
- Review the composition of housestaff within accredited training programs annually.
- Review, develop, and implement strategies, initiatives, and programs for recruitment of housestaff.
- Develop, and implement training which promotes cultural understanding and cultural competency for all housestaff.
- Encourage and support projects related to health disparities.
- Periodically review census data and the demographics of our patient population, at least every five years, to ensure that our focused significant and sustained programmatic efforts are aimed towards the appropriate groups.
Interested? Contact Victoria Wales.