Education Funds
All requests for reimbursements and purchases MUST be submitted to the GME Office.
Below you will find instructions and forms needed to complete requests for reimbursements and purchases under the GME Program Education Funds Policy. Education Funds are for the improvement in quality of your educational program and scholarly activity.
Before starting, please review the guidelines for using the Education Fund.
Resident Travel
Residents and Fellows who desire to travel to conferences and conventions MUST have prior approval from their department if they want to be reimbursed. The reimbursement process starts with your program administrator. The Pre-approval form must be completed and submitted to the GME office no later than 30 days prior to travel. The form requires the Program Director's signature. TRAVEL MUST BE PRE-APPROVED. Upon approval, the original signed form will be returned to the department for submission with related expenses ONLY.
After travel is completed, the rest of the travel packet MUST be submitted to the department CODA personnel within 45 days after returning. Receipts submitted after 60 days cannot be paid.
The following items need to be submitted with each travel reimbursement request. It takes approximately 30 to 45 days for a reimbursement to be issued. Any incomplete forms will result in further delays.
- GME Pre-Approval
- T&E Form (if payment is to an individual)
- Original Receipts
- Proof of Payment
- Conference/Course Agenda
- W-9 Form (if the vendor/recipient is not already an established vendor)
- Travel Expense Policy
- Vendor Setup and Maintenance Policy
Concur Solutions
Trainees must book flights through Concur Solutions website.
The first step is to register for a user id, using the following link: Concur Solutions Registration.
To book your flight, please visit and log in with the user id.
Setup takes between 1-2 days and then an e-mail notification with a link to the Concur/AAA web site will be sent. Please note that the USF spam filter may block the registration e-mail, so keep an eye open for it.
The resident MUST have an approved TAR number from CODA system to book a flight. When booking your flight, you will be required to enter the 5-digit TAR number. Obtain the TAR number from your program administrator.
As a reminder, JetBlue and Southwest are immediate purchase airlines.
Concur Travel User GuideConcur Frequently Asked QuestionsIf you have questions about how to use the Concur web-site, or experience technical difficulties, you may contact:
Concur/AAA Help Desk
(877) 463-0543
When do trainees need to submit a new W-9 form?
- First-time travel or first-time reimbursement
- Change of residency address
- If the person has not been reimbursed within the last year
When the W-9 form is completed, email to and copy department CODA personnel.
Purchasing Items
Prior to purchase, the pre-approval form needs to be completed. Submit the completed form to the GME Office. Please make sure to include vendor information. If you have a quote or an invoice from the vendor, please include it with this request.
After the purchase, please submit invoice to your department CODA personnel along with a signed pre-approval from GME.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact the GME office.