Policies & Procedures
- GME-101 Designated Institutional Official ("DIO") Identification
- GME-103 Substantial Disruption/Disaster Policy and Procedures
- GME-104 Affiliation Agreements / Letters of Agreements
- GME-105 Graduate Medical Education Program Position Allocation
- GME-108 Graduate Medical Education Committee
- GME-110 Special Review
- GME-120 Extraordinary Circumstance
- GME-198 Drug Screening
- GME-199 Background Check
- GME-200 Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment
- GME-201 Completion of USMLE/COMLEX
- GME-202 H-1B Visa Policy
- GME-204 Supervision and Accountability of Post-Graduate Residents
- GME-205 USF Non-Standard and Non-Accredited Programs
- GME-206 Evaluation
- GME-207 Promotion and Renewal of Residents/Fellows
- GME-208 Clinical Experience and Education Work Hours of Residents/Fellows
- GME-209 Moonlighting
- GME-210 Restrictive Covenants
- GME-211 Professional Liability Insurance
- GME-212 Quality Improvement & Patient Safety
- GME-213 Support Services and Systems
- GME-214 Scope of Practice
- GME-215 Leave of Absence (effective 7/1/23)
- GME-217 Program Reduction / Closure
- GME-218 Corrective Action, Discipline and Due Process
- GME-219 Professionalism
- GME-220 Request for Information / File Retention
- GME-222 Offsite Rotations
- GME-224 Visiting Resident Rotations
- GME-226 Personal Health Information- Security, Privacy & Confidentiality
- GME-227 Resident and Fellow Wellness
- GME-228 Grievance Policy & Procedure
- GME-230 Documentation of Residency and/or Fellowship Training (Completion Certificate)
- GME-231 Transitions of Care
- GME-304 Physician Impairment / Substance Abuse
- GME-310 Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure
- GME-314 Vendors and/or Industry Relations
- GME-400 Educational Resources Devoted to Pain Medicine
- GME-401 Educational Resources Devoted to Clinical Informatics