Obstetrics and Gynecology

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Non Surgical Therapies

Conservative therapies are available for treating pelvic floor problems, they have varying success rates, but can help some women avoid surgery.  Some of these conservative options are listed below.  For a more detailed list, talk to your health care team at USF Health.

For pelvic organ prolapse (Cystocele, rectocele, enterocele, “dropped bladder”), our surgeons may offer:
• Pessary therapy
• Pelvic floor physical therapy

For women with overactive bladder symptoms, we offer:
• Medications 
• Bladder retraining and Biofeedback
• Pelvic floor physical therapy

For women with stress urinary incontinence, we offer:
• Incontinence pessaries
• Pelvic floor physical therapy

For women with fecal incontinence we offer:
• Dietary modifications• Pelvic floor physical therapy
• Pelvic floor physical therapy
• Medications

For women experiencing painful intercourse, we offer:
• Pelvic floor physical therapy
• Medications
• Botox therapy, combined with physical therapy