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Current Residents & Fellows

USF Health MCOM Graduate Medical Education Hardship Fund


To provide the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM) graduate medical education (GME) residents and fellows reprieve in the event of financial adversity due to a significant life event such as a sudden illness, family emergency, immediate family member death, or natural disaster.  Applicants must be in an accredited graduate medical education residency or fellowship program at the USF Health MCOM and demonstrate financial need. The funds are not to be used as an income supplement or as an alternative to insurance or other types of public aid.


  1. Applicants must be a resident or fellow issued a GME contract from USF MCOM GME in USF Job code 9188.
  2. Applicants must be in good standing in the training program.
  3. Applicants must demonstrate financial need.
  4. Applications must be submitted in their entirety. Please send completed application to the GME Director (Brad Clark).


The resident or fellow must submit an application, a personal statement up to 250 words explaining financial need, and an attestation from the program director that the trainee is in good standing in the program. Applications are open all year. The amount awarded will be no more than $500 dollars per resident/fellow per 2-year period. The number of awards given will be based on fund availability. An ad hoc committee of Resident Advisory Committee members will review all applications and select awardees.

Download the applicationGive to the fund