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Faculty Affairs

Course Development

1. Course/ Syllabus Development Process

  • All new or change proposals for courses/syllabi must be approved by the COPH Education Committee
  • For information on the course change process and time-lines, see the COPH Education Committee Curriculum Change Process document
  • New course or course change proposals should be started a minimum of two semesters prior to the proposed effective term. Some course updates (course number, name, delivery method for example) must be submitted via Curriculog in the fall and will become effective the following fall term.

2. Course/Syllabus Development

Starting Fall 2024, COPH is expanding the use of Simple Syllabus for all courses offered by the college. Simple Syllabus is an online tool that will host course syllabi and link directly to the Canvas course site. This includes classroom, online, and hybrid courses.

Access the following link to determine what your next steps are with Simple Syllabus: What's my Role?

The following courses will not use Simple Syllabus: PHC6934, HSC4933, PHC7935, PHC6907, PHC6971, PHC7910, PHC7919, PHC7980 & PHC7931. Instructors teaching these courses will need to download the relevant template below and submit their syllabi via the ETA rollover form.

Contact your ETA learning designer if you have questions.

3. College-wide Degree Competencies