MSPH with a Concentration in Epidemiology
Epidemiology is a fundamental science of public health, defined as the study of the distribution and determinants of disease and disability in populations. Although epidemiology is historically rooted in the study of the causes of infectious diseases (epidemics), epidemiology now encompasses the study of the full gamut of conditions that impacts the health and well-being of people, families, and their communities.
The MSPH concentration in Epidemiology is an academic degree, geared toward students who want a solid foundation in quantitative research methods and who wish to become members of a public health epidemiologic research team. Students acquire knowledge and skills in study design, data management, analysis and interpretation of study results, with the goal of preventing diseases and promoting well-being. A thesis involving primary or secondary data analysis is required.
An MPH concentration in Epidemiology is also offered. This professional degree is geared toward students who wish to obtain a broad understanding of public health, with an emphasis on epidemiologic principles and quantitative research methods.
MSPH in epidemiology students are encouraged to participate in research projects with their faculty mentor or with other faculty at the college or the university, so they can apply their data analysis and writing skills.
For their thesis, MSPH students will write a proposal, conduct a statistical analysis of primary or secondary data, then write and defend their thesis. Students are encouraged to present their work at the university, local, state, or national meetings, and to publish the results of their thesis in peer-reviewed journals.
Graduates from the MSPH in epidemiology program are equipped with epidemiology methods and statistical analysis skills that make them well prepared to work in research centers, public health agencies, industry, or non-profit organizations. Additionally, graduates are well prepared for fellowships in governmental organizations such as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and for continuing their academic path and obtaining a PhD, if they elect to do so.
To learn more, please contact a Pre-Admissions Advisor at (813) 974-6505 or