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Sunshine Education & Research Center


The Sunshine ERC offers significant research training opportunities. There will be a particular emphasis on developing evidence-based interventions. All Sunshine ERC students receive extensive training in the ethical and responsible conduct of research.
Pilot Research Project Training (PPRT) provides seed support to doctoral students and faculty for pilot projects. We will address specific, regional priorities will be advertised and will be an important weighting factor in awarding PPRT grants.

The University of Central Florida, (UCF) Orlando, Florida - Department of Psychology will lead the Targeted Research Training (TRT) that specifically targets health and safety issues relevant to hospitality/tourism workers including precarious work, violence, intervention implementation and evaluation, health disparities, migrant workers and aging workers.

In collaboration with the University of Puerto Rico, we plan to continue the effort started in May 2018 to assess the needs to protect workers during emergency response and recovery operations. This will continue to assess the special needs of hospitality workers.