Sunshine Education & Research Center
Events & News
Sunshine ERC Newsletter
Check out each edition for more information about us, a sample of our projects, events, and more.
Past Events
- Southeast Regional Research Symposium in Lexington, KY (March 25-27, 2024)
- Southeast Regional Research Symposium hosted by the Sunshine ERC (February 27-March 1, 2023)
- Southeast Regional Research Symposium (April 4-5, 2019)
- Sunshine ERC Research Roundtable and Poster Session (February 20, 2019)
- The Activist Lab Bootcamp: Creating a Healthier and Safer Workforce: Be Voices for Change! (January 30 & 31, 2025)
- TRT Spring Workshop and Roundtable - Hospitality Challenges: In-Person Operations & Post-Pandemic Exodus (2024)
- State of the Science Meeting - Rural Coastal Community Health Science, Policy and the Future: From Lab to Legislation (March 19-20, 2024)
- USF Health Addresses Provider Wellbeing at IPE Day (2023)
- Panel discussions for Leto HS students (April 3 & 28, 2023)
- Spring Semester 2023 USF Health Service Corps Photo Gallery (photos on pages 39 & 58)
- International Public Health Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico (2023)
- The Activist Lab Podcast Series on Occupational Health and Safety (2021-22)
- Sunshine ERC Outreach and Recruitment Presentations (2021-22)
- Silicosis – old disease, new exposures, regulation for prevention! (October 14, 2020)
- Psychological & Emotional Wellness in Uncertain Times: A Virtual Experience for Teachers & Families (September 2, 2020)
- 2nd Annual Southeast Regional Research Symposium (April 4 and 5, 2019)
- State of the Science Meeting: Pregnant at Work (December 3-4, 2019)
- Hospitality Workshop (February 2019)