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Scholarly Concentrations Program

Program Requirements

Core Students must decide on a given concentration by the end of September in Year 1. Three mechanisms are utilized for recruiting students: a faculty led introduction/orientation showcasing all concentrations, a 2-month open invitation for “concentration shopping” and a student-centered Round Robin event. Following these events, students submit their applications to the concentration of their choice. Applications are reviewed by the concentration leaders, representing both basic science and clinical disciplines.

The SCP has both ‘participation’ and ‘capstone project’ requirements. Graduation with a SCP designation is at the discretion of the Faculty Leader(s) and the SCP Director. Ten (10) hours of participation in the first and second years are recorded on the transcript through the Scholarly Concentration Course (BMS6991 and BMS6992) under the Course Co-Directorship of Drs. Susan Pross and Ingrid Bahner.


Each student who joins the SCP is expected to complete a minimum of 180 contact/activity hours toward fulfillment of the participation requirement over the 4-year scholarly experience. Portions of this requirement may include curricular components in Years 1 and 2, opportunities for scholarly work during the summer between Years 1 and 2 and participation in SC-focused electives in Years 3 and 4. There is a New Scholars Guide to Success Curriculum that is a requirement for all MSI students within the SCC that is initiated out of the RISE office.

Capstone Project

The capstone requirement is a scholarly project that Scholarly Concentrations Program (SCP) students must complete by February 15th of their fourth year. Capstone projects may include original objective or hypothesis driven research, service, innovations, clinical experience or case study of a particular health issue. The capstone project must demonstrate scholarship by incorporating inquiry, analysis and reflection related to the specific concentration focus. 

Capstone requirements are expected to be unique to the individual concentrations. Faculty Leaders will provide verification of the concentration expectations. There must be a scholarly write-up of any findings to supplement a poster/powerpoint.

Some concentrations require students to provide a draft of their project by a certain date not listed below. Please check with your individual concentration leaders for specifics. All proposed projects must gain approval from their faculty mentors and leaders.

Integrating scholarly work and research into the Clinical Years

The clinical years are a busy and exciting time. However, there is time in the clinical schedule to complete the work, and it is very possible to integrate your scholarly work into some of the existing clerkships that you will be completing. Below are some suggestions as to how to approach your schedule with your concentration in mind: