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Student & Community Engagement



The vision of MCOM's Office of Student and Community Engagement is to encourage and promote a learning culture that welcomes and sustains the student and resident body. We diligently ensure that all students and residents feel supported and accepted to optimize their educational experience. 

Our commitment to student engagement extends to:

  • Enlarging the pool of qualified individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who are interested in pursuing medicine as a career.
  • Supporting the holistic review processes by which each applicant's experiences, accomplishments, personal qualities, and potential to enhance the learning environment.
  • Coordinating patient-centered medical education activities involving USF MCOM faculty, staff, and students.

MCOM Office of Student and Community Engagement (OSCE)

Should you need further assistance or more information about our many USF Health Morsani College of Medicine's Office of Student and Community Engagement events, outreach, and support programs, please contact the OSCE at (813) 396-9944 or visit the OSCE contact page directly.