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Scholarly Concentrations Program

Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Business in Medicine (bSC)

Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business in Medicine

This concentration explores the principles of the business aspects of medicine. During the four years the students will gain knowledge that will enable them to participate in healthcare business enterprises as well as understand and develop innovative models of healthcare delivery. This background will allow the student to potentially become active in management of the clinical practice of medicine.


Students meet once a month to discuss topics such as medical licensing, risk assessment and management, contracts and business records, and business plan development. This concentration explores these topics through rigorous independent scholarship, cross-disciplinary study, mentored relationships, group seminars/courses, scholarly work years 1-4 of medical school, and submission of a scholarly projects. The Business Concentration offers students the opportunity to listen to and network with guest lecturers who are leaders of academic institutions and relevant healthcare companies. This concentration requires a Capstone Project in the field of business in medicine. Business Concentration leaders assist connecting students with an advisor that will assist in developing and completing a scholarly project. It may be original research, a service project, or results from a business internship or entrepreneur activity. In addition to the Capstone Project, students in this concentration will also complete projects as first- and second-year medical students either in a team or individually.


  • Providing mentorship to assist in the development of a research project
  • Opportunity to learn from and network with distinguished guest speakers
  • Collaborate with other health students in an interprofessional environment

Examples of Student Scholarly Work 

  • Innovations in military helicopter emergency medical systems (HEMS)
  • A review of the literature analyzing the cost of proximal humerus fracture treatment
  • A sustainable initiative to improve health outcomes in cancer survivors
  • Cost burden of negative coronary angiography in hospitalized patients with suspected ischemic heart disease

Faculty Leadership

Joann Ferrell Quinn, MBA, PhD 
Andrew Artis, MBA, PhD