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RISE Research, Innovation & Scholarly Endeavors


research project continuum

RISE is an important resource for medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty scholars. Located within the Office of Educational Affairs as part of the Department of Medical Education, specialists are available to help students, residents, fellows, and faculty navigate through the Research Project Continuum. This section contains a variety of general resources in the form of articles and links. RISE can assist in acting as an advocate in this process, providing guidance and other materials regarding the pursuit and presentation of scholarly work. 

Please use the following Research Project Timeline as a guide to plan your research endeavors while at MCOM. A complete listing of all resources is available on the RISE CANVAS course shell. Log in using USF NetID via Single Sign On

Request an appointment for these services

  • How to Find a Faculty Mentor

    A list of mentors who have worked with MCOM students in the past 3 years is available on the RISE CANVAS organizational shell.

    Research Methodology

  • Students requesting authorization to perform functions related to research at MCOM affiliate hospitals and centers (i.e.: Moffitt Cancer Center, TGH and JAHVA) may be required to complete additional credentialing for that site. RISE is available to assist.

    Students, in the course of their scholarly endeavors, may be exposed to confidential information regarding patients. Students must understand that any and all patient information is confidential and is protected under State and Federal regulations governing hospitals and patient rights. Students are responsible to follow all guidelines pertaining to human subject research and recognize that it is to be conducted under the ethical principals of respect for all persons, beneficence, and justice.

    Students will conduct all human subject research related activities according to the IRB approved study protocol and will maintain patient safety at the forefront of all research activities with which they are involved. No patient names or data may be abstracted or removed from the hospital nor stored on any personal device such as a laptop, flash or thumb drive, etc.

  • REDCap Electronic Data Capture for Research

    Need to contact Research Computing Support at for assistance in setting up your account

  • If you are an MCOM student and need assistance regarding statistical analysis request an appointment.

  • Medical Societies and Meetings

    An in-depth Medical Societies and Meetings List is available on the RISE CANVAS organization shell. Resources on How to Prepare a Poster / Oral Presentation and How to write an Abstract are available on the RISE CANVAS organization shell. 

    Student Travel

    Students must register all scholarly projects with Research, Innovations & Scholarly Endeavors (RISE) through the Archivum platform in order to qualify for financial support for travel/presentation opportunities.

    Extramural Funding Opportunities

    An in-depth Extramural Funding List is available on the RISE CANVAS organization shell.