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Experiential Learning & Simulation

Simulation & Technology

manikin experiences to all learners within the USFHSC Program

USF Morsani College of Medicine has access to a vast inventory of equipment to align with and support the mission of setting the global standard for excellence in healthcare education, training, and innovation, using simulation and an evidence-based, competency model to reduce errors and improve patient safety and outcomes.


  • ELS has 160 Standardized Patients on the payroll. While a number of these individuals represent persons with specific findings to help teach undergraduate learners how to recognize and diagnose specific conditions, a larger number of these individuals are highly trained members of the simulation team. Each SP is identified as a valued member of the ELS team, and recruited with a highly selective process, including multiple interviews, role-playing, filmed reviews, and homework assignments.

    Following being employed by ELS, the individual participates in 24 hours of basic training, including roles and responsibilities, case-based video reviews, standardization of grading based upon a validated rubric of behaviors, the role of feedback (both written and oral), and quality improvement. The onboarding of an SP, once basic training is complete, includes observed cases and video recording to assure the individual meets the standards placed upon their role(s). Individuals who are seen to show significant contributions (based upon the SP Coordinator’s recommendations) are encouraged to apply to participate in the USFHSC SP Certificate Program, which is a 90-hour immersive educational training that provides the SP a greater understanding of the significance of their communications with the learner. This certificate program includes in-class study, at-home video review, and on-site mentorship in order to complete the complement of hours required to gather the certificate. An increased rate of pay accompanies the individual who completes this program. 

    As a result of the COVID pandemic, the SPs were trained in providing virtual role-playing of their cases, so learners did not have any break in their academic progress. The SPs were trained to play these cases both in formative and summative cases. For high-stakes exams, the SPs who demonstrated excellence in case portrayal was offered the opportunity to participate in the proctoring of these summative activities. Part of this training included the ability to discuss Physical Examination findings.

    Each SP has an annual 360o evaluation with directed feedback to assure quality in the USFHSC Program.

  • ELS is not aligned with a specific vendor for their manikins, and thus are able to offer a variety of different manikin experiences to all learners within the USFHSC Program. This allows the Sim Ops at each site to become competent in running, maintaining, and servicing many of the different manikins. The opportunity to become well-versed in the various vendors’ manikins has given USFHSC Program Sim Ops staff a highly selective job. Their training is extensive and includes both onsite training and attendance at various hosted training sessions.

    The inventory for ELS includes a number of the following:

    • Laerdal SimMan, SimMan 3G, Infant 3G, child simulators
    • CAE HPS Simulator
    • ESC Simulator
    • iStan Simulator
    • Trauma Man
    • Female Birthing Simulator with an infant, infant simulator, and child simulators
    • Harvey Manikin – three Harvey cardiovascular manikins
    • Gaumard Birthing Simulators with infants
  • ELS has an extensive array of task trainers to allow the learners the opportunity to become proficient in their applications prior to working on actual patients in the clinical setting.

  • ELS has access to a number of haptic trainers to teach advanced procedures to clinical learners with the specific goal of enhancing the safety of their patients. These trainers are housed in the VPCC and allow the learners the opportunity to become proficient while still being considered a trainee. Allowing ample time to practice on these procedural trainers, the tracking of the learner’s proficiency has served as a good gauge of the time needed to meet proficiency standards in the clinical setting.  

    Some of the task trainers on-site include:

    • Laparoscopic surgery
    • Endoscopic procedures
    • Vascular procedures
    • Ultrasound training