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Pharmacy & Health Education Concentration

The Pharmacy and Health Education Concentration Provides students with a strong background theory of teaching and learning and the skill sets necessary to provide Pharmacy and Health Education in various formats (i.e. CE, Precepting, in-services). It also provides the opportunity to become engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning.


Upon completion of the concentration coursework, a student will be able to:

  1. Articulate the role of life-long learning in the Pharmacy Profession and ways to utilize self-reflection to identify areas of need.
  2. Describe career paths in health education and the roles and responsibilities of health educators.
  3. Employ effective teaching and assessment methods to provide appropriate education to various populations including peers, other health professionals, and the general public.
  4. Create effective learning environments, teaching tools and assessments based-upon evidence-based learning theory and cognitive practice.
  • Required Courses: 9 credit hours

    • HSC 6261  Teaching Essentials
    • HSC 6261L Teaching Essentials Lab
    • PHA 7684   Elective Pharmacy Practice Experience: Academia

    Elective Courses (Select one of the following)- Minimum 2 credit hours

    • PHA 6877C Critical Care Pharmacotherapy
    • PHA 6780C Oncology Pharmacy Practice
    • PHA 6707C Developing the Next Generation of Pharmacy Faculty
    • PHA 6907 Directed Independent Study
    • PHA 6935 Special Topics in Pharmacy
    • PHA 6915 Pharmacy Longitudinal Research Project
  • Due to the enhanced workload and rigors of the concentration, students must meet benchmark eligibility requirements and complete an application to be selected for this program. Eligibility requirements include all of the following:

    1. GPA ≥ 3.2
    2. Two letters of reference; one from student success coach
    3. Must be PY2 or PY3 at start of the concentration experience
  • Application Deadline: April 1st

    All application components must be received prior to the deadline:

    • Online form
    • Two reference forms; one must be from your student success coach

    Once accepted, you will be enrolled in HSC 6261 Teaching Essentials for the upcoming Fall semester. To withdraw from the program, please notify the concentration coordinator no later than September 1st of PY3.

Concentration Coordinator

Gwendolyn Wantuch, PharmD, BCPS, BCNSP
(813) 974-4852


  • You are able to enroll in the Teaching Essentials Course during your PY2 or PY3 Year. Please see the course requirement chart to identify when courses are offered, to assist in planning your course schedule.

  • PY2 students who elect to enroll, this will be an additional 2 credit hours on-top of your current course load. It may count towards your elective hours, thereby reducing your workload in your PY3 year.

    PY3 students may elect to take this course in addition to another elective, or in place of your Fall elective.

  • No. Once you declare this concentration, you will work alongside the Concentration Coordinator to ensure placement in courses to fufill necessary requirements.

    You may choose to take another elective on-top of the Teaching Essentials Elective, and would need to include this in your elective rank list.