Experiential Education
Thank you for being a preceptor and contributing to the clinical education of USF Taneja College of Pharmacy students. Much of the success of the student’s experiential education is dependent upon qualified pharmacists to serve as faculty in the field. As a respected member of the pharmacy community, the preceptor will provide an atmosphere whereby the student may grow intellectually as well as professionally. The student will be able to share with the preceptor newly acquired clinical and scientific knowledge and, in turn, the preceptor will guide the student through the daily application of that knowledge to daily professional practice. Your participation as a preceptor for our program will help USF Taneja College of Pharmacy achieve our goal of producing outstanding pharmacist clinicians trained in advanced healthcare principles to provide exceptional patient-centered care.
Warmest Regards,
Dr. Melissa Ruble
Assistant Dean of Experiential Programs
USF Taneja College of Pharmacy
Preceptor Application
Preceptor Application Process: To be considered as a preceptor for USF TCOP, please access the following link so that we may learn more about you.
Preceptor Account Signup
Sign up/Institution code: USFPRECEPTOR
Melissa Ruble, PharmD, BCPS
Melissa Ruble, PharmD, BCPSAssistant Dean of Experiential Programs813-974-6560 -
Katlynd Sunjic
Katlynd SunjicDirector of Postgraduate Training Programs813-974-1884 -
Lauren Shaw
Lauren ShawScheduling Coordinator, Academic Services Administrator813-974-1932 -
Tommy Rogers
Tommy RogersCompliance Coordinator, Sr. Academic Program Specialist813-974-6122
For questions regarding our Experiential Education Program please contact:
Office of Experiential Education
560 Channelside Drive
Tampa, FL 33602-5618