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Giving and Philanthropy

In today’s climate it is increasingly difficult to provide time for education and research among the demands of clinical medicine. Our institution, like all academic medical groups, depends critically on the generosity of philanthropic donors. If you are in a situation where giving is being considered, or you feel that helping educate future physicians is a worthwhile mission, please feel free to contact us to discuss options.

What can your gift do for our educational program?

A gift can be directed in one of two ways. If it is put into an endowment, we do not use the principal, but have access to the interest (usually at 4%) essentially in perpetuity. The immediate benefit is less, but the impact lasts forever. A gift can also be put into an educational operating fund, which allows the gift to be used immediately. Different amounts of giving are often more appropriate in one type of account than the other, and both types of gifts are fully tax deductible. Please ask about naming privileges, as well!

Your Gift Of: Supports:
For Immediate/ongoing use Fund and Endowment
$100 A book for a resident or our library
$200 A major textbook for a resident
$250 Lead apron for a resident to use in the OR
$500 Coffee and refreshments for a year’s worth of conferences
$1,000 Purchase OR magnifying loupes for a resident
$2,000 Send a resident to an academic conference
$5,000 Fund two summer research interns Silver donor – Bandyk Lectureship
$10,000 Support 10% of our annual international residents’ meeting Gold donor – Bandyk Lectureship
$25,000 Support our entire year’s resident travel budget Platinum donor – Bandyk Lectureship
$50,000 Fund our entire year’s educational budget Named conference room or vascular clinic
$75,000 Fully fund a research resident for an entire year
$100,000 Fund our entire IAVS international residents’ meeting Permanentlyfund one visiting professor per year
$200,000 Named term (5 years) Professorship
$500,000 Named atrium/ lecture hall/ conference facility
$650,000 Endow a full 4-year COM scholarship
$1,000,000 Endow a named Directorship
$2,000,000 Endow a named Professorship-this frees up TIME for research and teaching
Establish a basic science laboratory and facultyFund our education program in perpetuity
Unknown... Fully endow the BME device design programNaming rights to CAMLS