Tampa Bay Street Medicine
About Us
The goal of TBSM is to improve access to healthcare; connect patients with community resources to establish reliable, longitudinal care; engage individuals who are skeptical of healthcare by establishing respectful, trusting relationships; and create a valuable service-learning opportunity for healthcare students that facilitates social and cultural competency.
These objectives are achieved through the following programs:
Street Runs: Street Runs provide medical care directly in the unsheltered setting, on the sidewalks and public spaces of downtown Tampa.
Continuity Clinic: The Continuity Clinic serves as the setting through which TBSM’s patient population can access reliable, longitudinal healthcare.
Care Clinic: The Care Clinic provides free medical care to newcomers in Hillsborough County.
Other Programming: TBSM is an approved Narcan distributor, runs a harm reduction program with the Florida Department of Health Infectious Disease Elimination Act (IDEA) Exchange Program.