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Lehigh Valley Interdisciplinary Simulation Center (LVHNISC)

Lehigh Valley Interdisciplinary Simulation Center

Clinical Skills and Simulation

The Lehigh Valley Interdisciplinary Simulation Center (LVHNISC) opened in 2009 and has grown to an 8,500 square foot facility.

Led by Dr. William Bond, the Lehigh Valley Health Network Interdisciplinary Simulation Center strives to improve quality of care and patient safety through innovative educational techniques. The Simulation Center provides an environment for individuals and teams of all specialties and disciplines in teamwork, communication, and clinical skills in a safe simulated clinical environment.

Here at the LVHNISC we stress the importance of realistic immersion learning in order to prepare clinical and non-clinical staff for their duties in the real-world setting.

Our Simulation Laboratory provides a realistic training environment where staff utilizes high-fidelity mannequin simulators to foster experiential learning.

We have established a clinical team of experts to develop curriculum and lead activities such as a procedure simulation like central line placement, lumbar puncture, paracentesis, and chest tube placement.

The tremendous strength of simulation exercises provides our students and staff with immersive personal experiences that truly bring about transformational learning.
