Eye Institute

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Eye Plastic Surgery

Our cosmetic surgery team at the USF Health Eye Institute offers a wide variety of cosmetic procedures of the eyelids and face with the goal of obtaining a natural and rejuvenated appearance. 

Our board-certified providers have extensive training in both eye care (ophthalmology) and cosmetic surgery as it relates to the appearance of the eye and the surrounding structures. Accordingly, they are not only able to improve the appearance of the eye, but also care for the eye itself before and after the procedure(s).

The procedures are designed to improve the appearance of the eyelids, brows, and face and allow patients to look and feel natural again. We offer the following services for Cosmetic Eyelid and Facial Surgery:

  • Blepharoplasty and Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery 
  • Forehead and Brow Lifts 
  • Midface Lift 
  • Chemical Peel
  • Orbital Surgery