COPH Panama Program
COPH Panama Program at the City of Knowledge
The University of South Florida’s College of Public Health has had a formal presence in Panama since 2004 at the City of Knowledge. During this period, the Panama Program established a recognized presence in Panama and the rest of Latin America, conducting academic and research activities in the region. This includes study abroad programs, international field experiences and internships, service learning, faculty and student exchange, and multiple types of research opportunities.
Why Panama?
With a special emphasis on prevention, the public health system in Panama is a well-organized universal program that offers health services to all of the people living in the country. At the same time, Panama has a tradition of public and medical research initiated during the construction of the Panama Canal, when tropical diseases had to be conquered before building the Canal. Panama is a land of contrast, fortunate and vulnerable populations, metropolitan city vs. rural communities; this allows for outstanding academic and research experiences for students and faculty alike in a unique environment. Not to mention, with the state of the art connectivity, use of the US dollar, and being the hub of the Americas, there are direct flights to Panama from most major US Cities!
The USF COPH Panama Program holds a local working space with public health faculty versed in different areas of health, and a strong local and regional network of colleagues, to collaborate with other colleges and universities in the development of their study abroad, field experiences, and research projects. Contact us for more information:

Salud Latina USF teams up with academic groups to revise public health training competences in Latin America and the Caribbean
The COPH is collaborating with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to standardize the competencies for training of public health professionals.
Salud Latina USF teams up with academic groups to revise public health training competences in Latin America and the Caribbean

Partnership growth in Panama
A team of USF Health professors representing the USF Genomics and Internal Medicine-Infectious Disease traveled to Panama in February. The delegation was focused on strengthening existing Panamanian partnerships, discovering new programs and visiting local health institutions, while providing a forum for the USF faculty to share current research projects.