International Programs
Collaborative Travel
USF Health Student Collaborative Travel
USF Health students embarking on student led international group travel directly related to the official scope of those organizations such as (1) Group participation at international conferences or other meetings, (2) International civic and community engagement projects, whether curricular, co-curricular or extra-curricular in scope, (3) Group international internships or research projects, (4) Organizationally-sponsored international group site-visits or events; MUST submit a complete travel packet with the required supporting documentation.
Please save the document to your computer before you fill it out. Use the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat to ensure that you can view, fill out and save the form.
Signatures Required:
- Advisor
- Trip Leaders
Documents needed:
- Student Organization International Activity Proposal Form
- Travel Itinerary
- Participant Contract
- Travel Application
- USF Health Liability Waiver
- CISI Insurance Enrollment