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MPH with a Concentration in Global Health Practice

MPH in Global Health Practice at USF's College of Public Health


The Global Health Practice concentration will prepare students for achieving a professional position in the field of global public health, such as with international, bilateral, multilateral, governmental, and non-governmental agencies. The curriculum focuses on assessment and intervention strategies useful in resolving health problems of primarily countries with low resources.

Global Health Practice students have an opportunity to select courses that focus on areas such as epidemiology, maternal and child health, disaster management, humanitarian assistance, management, social marketing and socio-cultural health.

  • The Global Health Practice concentration has an International Applied Practice Experience (I-APE) component. The I-APE serves as a structured educational experience provides students with an opportunity to practice their competencies gained through their studies at COPH. The International Applied Practice Experience takes place in an agency, institution, or community in a developing country, and under the supervision of the Preceptor and the guidance of the student’s Faculty Mentor. All students in this concentration complete an International Applied Practice Experience (I-APE) in a developing country or Tribal Nation. Students have obtained placement in communities located in Australia, Belize, Peru, Ecuador, Kenya, Panama, Japan and Uganda. The types of community work depend on student’s professional interests. International students in this concentration can complete the I-APE in the US.

  • Graduates from the Global Health Practice concentration have obtained employment at national organizations (CDC, State Health Departments, NGOs) and international organizations (USAID, International NGOs).

  • To learn more, please contact a Pre-Admissions Advisor at (813) 974-6505 or