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Jinwal Lab


BrightFocus Foundation Alzheimer’s Disease Research Grant
(PI U. K. Jinwal; July 2015- June 2017)
Investigating the role of Cdc37 co-chaperone in AD pathogenesis.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation Therapeutic Development Initiative
(PI Dr. G.S. Prasad (CalAsia Pharma), USF PIs U.K. Jinwal, and Dr. D. Lee; April 2016- February 2018)
Brain permeable non-immunosuppressive dual-acting inhibitors of two disease modifying targets FKBP12/52.

Byrd Institute Small Grant Program
(PI U.K.Jinwal; July 2014- June 2015)
Cdc37 as a potential therapeutic target for Alzheimer’s disease.

College of Pharmacy Seed Grant
(PI U.K. Jinwal; January 2015- January 2016)
Cdc37 mediated biochemical and behavioral changes in C. elegans AD models.

The Florida Department of Health Ed and Ethel Moore Alzheimer’s Disease Research Program
(PI D.C. Lee, Co-I U.K. Jinwal;vJuly 2014- December 2015)
Modulation of Arginine Metabolism and Polyamines to Mitigate Alzheimer's Disease Pathology.