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* (MD Program Administration Profile)

Bryan Bognar

Bryan Bognar, MD, MPH, FACP

Vice Dean - Educational Affairs, College of Medicine Department of Medical Education

Contact Info


  • MPH, Public Health Practice, University of South Florida College of Public Health, 2008
  • MD, Indiana University, 1989

Recent Publications

  • Griffith CH, Wilson JF, Haist SA, Albritton TA, Bognar BA, Cohen SJ, Hoesley CJ, Fagan MJ, Ferenchick GS, Pryor OW, Friedman E, Harrell HE, Hemmer PA, Houghton BL, Kovach R, Lambert DR, Loftus TH, Painter TD, Udden MM, Watkins RS, Wong RY. Internal medicine clerkship characteristics associated with enhanced student examination performance. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 84(7) : 895-901, 2009.
  • Geller AC, Brooks DR, Powers CA, Brooks KR, Rigotti NA, Bognar B, McIntosh S, Zapka J. Tobacco cessation and prevention practices reported by second and fourth year students at US medical schools. Journal of general internal medicine. 23(7) : 1071-6, 2008.
  • Powers CA, Zapka JG, Bognar B, Dube C, Hyder Ferry L, Ferguson KJ, O''donnell JF, Rigotti N, Conley Thomson C, White M, Wilkerson L, Geller AC, McIntosh S. Evaluation of current tobacco curriculum at 12 US medical schools. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education. 19(4) : 212-9, 2004.
  • Carter JD, Valeriano J, Vasey FB, Bognar B. Refractory neurosarcoidosis: a dramatic response to infliximab. The American journal of medicine. 117(4) : 277-9, 2004.
  • Dixon JG, Bognar BA, Keyserling TC, Du Pre CT, Xie SX, Wickstrom GC, Kolar MM. Teaching women''s health skills: confidence, attitudes and practice patterns of academic generalist physician. Journal of general internal medicine. 18(6) : 411-8, 2003.