Lianchun Wang, MD
Professor, Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, Morsani School of Medicine
Professor, Byrd Alzheimer's Research Institute
Endowed USF Chair of Neurovascular Research, Morsani School of Medicine
Collaborative Member, Moffitt Cancer Center
Contact Info
12908 Bruce B. Down Blvd
Tampa FL 33612 - Academic Email: lianchunw@usf.edu
- Academic Phone: (813) 974-2910
- View My C.V.
- MD, Internal Medicine, Heidelberg University, 1999
- MS, Physiology and Clinical Biochemistry, Hunan Medical University, 1993
- BS, Laboratory Medicine, Hunan Medical University, 1990
Academic Philosophy
"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm ― Winston S. Churchill"
Interdisciplinary and Emerging Signature Programs
- Cancer Biology
- Cardiovascular Sciences
- Neuroscience
Research Interests
- We are dedicated to elucidating the intricate molecular mechanisms that regulate vascular and brain functions, focusing on heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG). HSPGs, found on cell surfaces and within the extracellular matrix, engage in crucial interactions with protein ligands, such as growth factors, morphogens, cytokines, and matrix proteins, impacting various physiological and pathological processes.
- Our research approach includes patient specimen studies, extensive biochemical analyses, cellular investigations, and in vivo mouse model testing to uncover the functions, structural characteristics, and interacting partners of HSPGs. We aim to shed light on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying HSPGs' roles in inflammation, vascular function, stem cell biology, and diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer, ultimately developing effective therapeutics for these human diseases.
- Endowed USF Chair of Neurovascular Research (USF - 2018)
- Glycoscience Grant Award (Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience - 2014)
- Scientist Career Development award (American Heart Association - 2008)
- Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Scholar (Georgia State - 2007)
- Member (International Society for Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis, 2016 - Present)
- Membrer (Chinese Biological Investigators Society, 2012 - Present)
- Member (American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2010 - 2018)
- Member (Society for Glycobiology, 2007 - Present)
- Member (North American Vascular Biology Organization, 2007 - Present)
- Member (American Heart Association, 2002 - Present)
- Member (American Association for Cancer Research, 2007 - 2009)
- Member (American Society of Hematology, 2002 - 2005)
- Member (American Physiological Society, 2022 - Present)
- Member (International Society to Advance Alzheimer`s Research and Treatment (ISTAART), 2023 - Present)
Recent Publications
- Qiu H, Shi S, Yue J, Xin M, Nairn AV, Lin L, Liu X, Li G, Archer-Hartmann SA, Dela Rosa M, Galizzi M, Wang S, Zhang F, Azadi P, van Kuppevelt TH, Cardoso WV, Kimata K, Ai X, Moremen KW, Esko JD, Linhardt RJ, Wang L. A mutant-cell library for systematic analysis of heparan sulfate structure-function relationships. Nature methods. 15(11) : 889-899, 2018.
- Thieker DF, Xu Y, Chapla D, Nora C, Qiu H, Felix T, Wang L, Moremen KW, Liu J, Esko JD, Woods RJ. Downstream Products are Potent Inhibitors of the Heparan Sulfate 2-O-Sulfotransferase. Scientific reports. 8(1) : 11832, 2018.
- Li Q, Alsaidan OA, Rai S, Wu M, Shen H, Beharry Z, Almada LL, Fernandez-Zapico ME, Wang L, Cai H. Stromal Gli signaling regulates the activity and differentiation of prostate stem and progenitor cells. The Journal of biological chemistry. 293(27) : 10547-10560, 2018.
- Qiu H, Shi S, Wang S, Peng H, Ding SJ, Wang L. Proteomic Profiling Exosomes from Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell. Proteomics. Clinical applications. 12(5) : e1700097, 2018.
- Talsma DT, Katta K, Ettema MAB, Kel B, Kusche-Gullberg M, Daha MR, Stegeman CA, van den Born J, Wang L. Endothelial heparan sulfate deficiency reduces inflammation and fibrosis in murine diabetic nephropathy. Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology. 98(4) : 427-438, 2018.
- Wu ZL, Person AD, Anderson M, Burroughs B, Tatge T, Khatri K, Zou Y, Wang L, Geders T, Zaia J, Sackstein R. Imaging specific cellular glycan structures using glycosyltransferases via click chemistry. Glycobiology. 28(2) : 69-79, 2018.
- Zong C, Venot A, Li X, Lu W, Xiao W, Wilkes JL, Salanga CL, Handel TM, Wang L, Wolfert MA, Boons GJ. Heparan Sulfate Microarray Reveals That Heparan Sulfate-Protein Binding Exhibits Different Ligand Requirements. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 139(28) : 9534-9543, 2017.
- Wang GD, Nguyen HT, Chen H, Cox PB, Wang L, Nagata K, Hao Z, Wang A, Li Z, Xie J. X-Ray Induced Photodynamic Therapy: A Combination of Radiotherapy and Photodynamic Therapy. Theranostics. 6(13) : 2295-2305, 2016.
- Zong C, Huang R, Condac E, Chiu Y, Xiao W, Li X, Lu W, Ishihara M, Wang S, Ramiah A, Stickney M, Azadi P, Amster IJ, Moremen KW, Wang L, Sharp JS, Boons GJ. Integrated Approach to Identify Heparan Sulfate Ligand Requirements of Robo1. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138(39) : 13059-13067, 2016.
- Zhao W, Zhu T, Cheng R, Liu Y, He J, Qiu H, Wang L, Nagy T, Querec TD, Unger ER, Mao L. Label-Free and Continuous-Flow Ferrohydrodynamic Separation of HeLa Cells and Blood Cells in Biocompatible Ferrofluids. Advanced functional materials. 26(22) : 3990-3998, 2016.
- Kraushaar DC, Yamaguchi Y, Wang L. Heparan sulfate is required for embryonic stem cells to exit from self-renewal. The Journal of biological chemistry. 290(38) : 23023, 2015.
- Qiu H, Xiao W, Yue J, Wang L. Heparan sulfate modulates Slit3-induced endothelial cell migration. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1229: 549-55, 2015.
- Guo C, Fan X, Qiu H, Xiao W, Wang L, Xu B. High-resolution probing heparan sulfate-antithrombin interaction on a single endothelial cell surface: single-molecule AFM studies. Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP. 17(20) : 13301-6, 2015.
- Chuang YJ, Zhen Z, Zhang F, Liu F, Mishra JP, Tang W, Chen H, Huang X, Wang L, Chen X, Xie J, Pan Z. Photostimulable near-infrared persistent luminescent nanoprobes for ultrasensitive and longitudinal deep-tissue bio-imaging. Theranostics. 4(11) : 1112-22, 2014.
- Zhen Z, Tang W, Chuang YJ, Todd T, Zhang W, Lin X, Niu G, Liu G, Wang L, Pan Z, Chen X, Xie J. Tumor vasculature targeted photodynamic therapy for enhanced delivery of nanoparticles. ACS nano. 8(6) : 6004-13, 2014.
- Zhang F, Moniz HA, Walcott B, Moremen KW, Wang L, Linhardt RJ. Probing the impact of GFP tagging on Robo1-heparin interaction. Glycoconjugate journal. 31(4) : 299-307, 2014.
- Zhang B, Xiao W, Qiu H, Zhang F, Moniz HA, Jaworski A, Condac E, Gutierrez-Sanchez G, Heiss C, Clugston RD, Azadi P, Greer JJ, Bergmann C, Moremen KW, Li D, Linhardt RJ, Esko JD, Wang L. Heparan sulfate deficiency disrupts developmental angiogenesis and causes congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The Journal of clinical investigation. 124(1) : 209-21, 2014.
- Chen H, Zhen Z, Tang W, Todd T, Chuang YJ, Wang L, Pan Z, Xie J. Label-free luminescent mesoporous silica nanoparticles for imaging and drug delivery. Theranostics. 3(9) : 650-7, 2013.
- Qiu H, Jiang JL, Liu M, Huang X, Ding SJ, Wang L. Quantitative phosphoproteomics analysis reveals broad regulatory role of heparan sulfate on endothelial signaling. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP. 12(8) : 2160-73, 2013.
- Zhang F, Moniz HA, Walcott B, Moremen KW, Linhardt RJ, Wang L. Characterization of the interaction between Robo1 and heparin and other glycosaminoglycans. Biochimie. 95(12) : 2345-53, 2013.
- Kraushaar DC, Dalton S, Wang L. Heparan sulfate: a key regulator of embryonic stem cell fate. Biological chemistry. 394(6) : 741-51, 2013.
- Guo C, Wang B, Wang L, Xu B. Structural basis of single molecular heparin-FX06 interaction revealed by SPM measurements and molecular simulations. Chemical communications (Cambridge, England). 48(100) : 12222-4, 2012.
- Condac E, Strachan H, Gutierrez-Sanchez G, Brainard B, Giese C, Heiss C, Johnson D, Azadi P, Bergmann C, Orlando R, Esmon CT, Harenberg J, Moremen K, Wang L. The C-terminal fragment of axon guidance molecule Slit3 binds heparin and neutralizes heparin''s anticoagulant activity. Glycobiology. 22(9) : 1183-92, 2012.
- Zhang S, Condac E, Qiu H, Jiang J, Gutierrez-Sanchez G, Bergmann C, Handel T, Wang L. Heparin-induced leukocytosis requires 6-O-sulfation and is caused by blockade of selectin- and CXCL12 protein-mediated leukocyte trafficking in mice. The Journal of biological chemistry. 287(8) : 5542-53, 2012.
- Kraushaar DC, Rai S, Condac E, Nairn A, Zhang S, Yamaguchi Y, Moremen K, Dalton S, Wang L. Heparan sulfate facilitates FGF and BMP signaling to drive mesoderm differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. The Journal of biological chemistry. 287(27) : 22691-700, 2012.
- Zhou B, Honor LB, He H, Ma Q, Oh JH, Butterfield C, Lin RZ, Melero-Martin JM, Dolmatova E, Duffy HS, Gise Av, Zhou P, Hu YW, Wang G, Zhang B, Wang L, Hall JL, Moses MA, McGowan FX, Pu WT. Adult mouse epicardium modulates myocardial injury by secreting paracrine factors. The Journal of clinical investigation. 121(5) : 1894-904, 2011.
- Fuster MM, Wang L. Endothelial heparan sulfate in angiogenesis. Progress in molecular biology and translational science. 93: 179-212, 2010.
- Wijelath E, Namekata M, Murray J, Furuyashiki M, Zhang S, Coan D, Wakao M, Harris RB, Suda Y, Wang L, Sobel M. Multiple mechanisms for exogenous heparin modulation of vascular endothelial growth factor activity. Journal of cellular biochemistry. 111(2) : 461-8, 2010.
- Pomin VH, Sharp JS, Li X, Wang L, Prestegard JH. Characterization of glycosaminoglycans by 15N NMR spectroscopy and in vivo isotopic labeling. Analytical chemistry. 82(10) : 4078-88, 2010.
- Kumar A, Hou X, Lee C, Li Y, Maminishkis A, Tang Z, Zhang F, Langer HF, Arjunan P, Dong L, Wu Z, Zhu LY, Wang L, Min W, Colosi P, Chavakis T, Li X. Platelet-derived growth factor-DD targeting arrests pathological angiogenesis by modulating glycogen synthase kinase-3beta phosphorylation. The Journal of biological chemistry. 285(20) : 15500-10, 2010.
- Kraushaar DC, Yamaguchi Y, Wang L. Heparan sulfate is required for embryonic stem cells to exit from self-renewal. The Journal of biological chemistry. 285(8) : 5907-16, 2010.
- Stanford KI, Wang L, Castagnola J, Song D, Bishop JR, Brown JR, Lawrence R, Bai X, Habuchi H, Tanaka M, Cardoso WV, Kimata K, Esko JD. Heparan sulfate 2-O-sulfotransferase is required for triglyceride-rich lipoprotein clearance. The Journal of biological chemistry. 285(1) : 286-94, 2010.
- Zhang B, Dietrich UM, Geng JG, Bicknell R, Esko JD, Wang L. Repulsive axon guidance molecule Slit3 is a novel angiogenic factor. Blood. 114(19) : 4300-9, 2009.
- Lawrence R, Olson SK, Steele RE, Wang L, Warrior R, Cummings RD, Esko JD. Evolutionary differences in glycosaminoglycan fine structure detected by quantitative glycan reductive isotope labeling. The Journal of biological chemistry. 283(48) : 33674-84, 2008.
- Schuksz M, Fuster MM, Brown JR, Crawford BE, Ditto DP, Lawrence R, Glass CA, Wang L, Tor Y, Esko JD. Surfen, a small molecule antagonist of heparan sulfate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(35) : 13075-80, 2008.
- Cai CL, Martin JC, Sun Y, Cui L, Wang L, Ouyang K, Yang L, Bu L, Liang X, Zhang X, Stallcup WB, Denton CP, McCulloch A, Chen J, Evans SM. A myocardial lineage derives from Tbx18 epicardial cells. Nature. 454(7200) : 104-8, 2008.
- Fuster MM, Wang L, Castagnola J, Sikora L, Reddi K, Lee PH, Radek KA, Schuksz M, Bishop JR, Gallo RL, Sriramarao P, Esko JD. Genetic alteration of endothelial heparan sulfate selectively inhibits tumor angiogenesis. The Journal of cell biology. 177(3) : 539-49, 2007.
- Borsig L, Wang L, Cavalcante MC, Cardilo-Reis L, Ferreira PL, Mourão PA, Esko JD, Pavão MS. Selectin blocking activity of a fucosylated chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan from sea cucumber. Effect on tumor metastasis and neutrophil recruitment. The Journal of biological chemistry. 282(20) : 14984-91, 2007.
- MacArthur JM, Bishop JR, Stanford KI, Wang L, Bensadoun A, Witztum JL, Esko JD. Liver heparan sulfate proteoglycans mediate clearance of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins independently of LDL receptor family members. The Journal of clinical investigation. 117(1) : 153-64, 2007.
- Wang L, Fuster M, Sriramarao P, Esko JD. Endothelial heparan sulfate deficiency impairs L-selectin- and chemokine-mediated neutrophil trafficking during inflammatory responses. Nature immunology. 6(9) : 902-10, 2005.
- Rele SM, Cui W, Wang L, Hou S, Barr-Zarse G, Tatton D, Gnanou Y, Esko JD, Chaikof EL. Dendrimer-like PEO glycopolymers exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127(29) : 10132-3, 2005.
- Tang N, Wang L, Esko J, Giordano FJ, Huang Y, Gerber HP, Ferrara N, Johnson RS. Loss of HIF-1alpha in endothelial cells disrupts a hypoxia-driven VEGF autocrine loop necessary for tumorigenesis. Cancer cell. 6(5) : 485-95, 2004.
- Bobardt MD, Salmon P, Wang L, Esko JD, Gabuzda D, Fiala M, Trono D, Van der Schueren B, David G, Gallay PA. Contribution of proteoglycans to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 brain invasion. Journal of virology. 78(12) : 6567-84, 2004.
- Fuster MM, Brown JR, Wang L, Esko JD. A disaccharide precursor of sialyl Lewis X inhibits metastatic potential of tumor cells. Cancer research. 63(11) : 2775-81, 2003.
- Wang L, Brown JR, Varki A, Esko JD. Heparin''s anti-inflammatory effects require glucosamine 6-O-sulfation and are mediated by blockade of L- and P-selectins. The Journal of clinical investigation. 110(1) : 127-36, 2002.
- Zhao J, Zhu Y, Song X, Xiao Y, Su G, Liu X, Wang Z, Xu Y, Liu J, Eliezer D, Ramlall TF, Lippens G, Gibson J, Zhang F, Linhardt RJ, Wang L, Wang C. 3-O-Sulfation of Heparan Sulfate Enhances Tau Interaction and Cellular Uptake. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.. 59(5) : 1818-1827, 2020.
- Rai S, Alsaidan OA, Yang H, Cai H, Wang L. Heparan sulfate inhibits transforming growth factor β signaling and functions in cis and in trans to regulate prostate stem/progenitor cell activities Glycobiology. 30(6) : 381-395, 2020.
- Garbuzova-Davis S, Willing AE, Ehrhart J, Wang L, Sanberg PR, Borlongan CV. Cell-Free Extracellular Vesicles Derived from Human Bone Marrow Endothelial Progenitor Cells as Potential Therapeutics for Microvascular Endothelium Restoration in ALS Neuromolecular Med.. 22(4) : 503-516, 2020.
- Mah D, Zhao J, Liu X, Zhang F, Liu J, Wang L, Linhardt R, Wang C. The Sulfation Code of Tauopathies: Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans in the Prion Like Spread of Tau Pathology Front Mol Biosci.. 8: doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.671458., 2021.
- Yue J, Jin W, Yang H, Faulkner J, Song X, Qiu H, Teng M, Azadi P, Zhang F, Linhardt RJ, Wang L. Heparan Sulfate Facilitates Spike Protein-Mediated SARS-CoV-2 Host Cell Invasion and Contributes to Increased Infection of SARS-CoV-2 G614 Mutant and in Lung Cancer. Front Mol Biosci.. 8: doi: 10.3389/fmolb.2021.649575, 2021.
- Mitra D, Hasan MH, Bates JT, Bierdeman MA, Ederer DR, Parmar RC, Fassero LA, Liang Q, Qiu H, Tiwari V, Zhang F, Linhardt RJ, Sharp JS, Wang L, Tandon R. The degree of polymerization and sulfation patterns in heparan sulfate are critical determinants of cytomegalovirus entry into host cells. PLoS Pathog. 17(8) : doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009803., 2021.
- Faulkner J, Song X, Wang L. Application of a Mutant Cell Library to Determine the Structure-Function Relationship of Heparan Sulfate in Facilitating FGF2-FGFR1 Signaling. Methods Mol Biol.. 2303: 637-644., 2022.
- Zeng J, Meng Y, Chen SY, Zhao G, Wang L, Zhang EX, Qiu H. Structural characteristics of Heparan sulfate required for the binding with the virus processing Enzyme Furin. Glycoconj J. 39(3) : 315-325, 2022.
- Xiao W, Pinilla-Baquero A, Faulkner J, Song X, Prabhakar P, Qiu H, Moremen KW, Ludwig A, Dempsey PJ, Azadi P, Wang L. Robo4 is constitutively shed by ADAMs from endothelial cells and the shed Robo4 functions to inhibit Slit3-induced angiogenesis. Sci Rep.. 12(1) : doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-08227-8., 2022.
- Yang H, Cao J, Lin X, Yue J, Zieneldien T, Kim J, Wang L, Fang J, Huang RP, Bai Y, Sneed K, Cao C. Developing an Effective Peptide-Based Vaccine for COVID-19: Preliminary Studies in Mice Models. Viruses. 14(3) : doi: 10.3390/v14030449., 2022.
- Wang Y, Li T, Li N, Huang C, Xiong X, Xie X, Wu M, Wang L, Jiang J. 6-O-desulfated heparin attenuates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in mice through the regulation of miR-199a-5p/klotho axis. Glycoconj J. 39(6) : 747-758, 2022.
- Zhu Y, Gandy L, Zhang F, Liu J, Wang C, Blair LJ, Linhardt RJ, Wang L. Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans in Tauopathy. Biomolecules. 12(12) : doi: 10.3390/biom12121792., 2022.
- Yang H, Wang L. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans in cancer: Pathogenesis and therapeutic potential. Adv Cancer Res. 157: 251-291., 2023.
- Jin W, Lu C, Zhu Y, Zhao J, Zhang W, Wang L, Linhardt RJ, Wang C, Zhang F. Fucoidans inhibited tau interaction and cellular uptake. Carbohydr Polym.. 299: doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2022.120176., 2023.
- Ozsan McMillan I, Li JP, Wang L. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan in Alzheimer's disease: aberrant expression and functions in molecular pathways related to amyloid-β metabolism. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol.. 324(4) : C893-C909, 2023.
- Mah D, Zhu Y, Su G, Zhao J, Canning A, Gibson J, Song X, Stancanelli E, Xu Y, Zhang F, Linhardt RJ, Liu J, Wang L, Wang C. Apolipoprotein E Recognizes Alzheimer's Disease Associated 3-O Sulfation of Heparan Sulfate. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.. 62(23) : doi: 10.1002/anie.202212636., 2023.
- Wang Z, Patel VN, Song X, Xu Y, Kaminski AM, Doan VU, Su G, Liao Y, Mah D, Zhang F, Pagadala V, Wang C, Pedersen LC, Wang L, Hoffman MP, Gearing M, Liu J. Increased 3-O-sulfated heparan sulfate in Alzheimer's disease brain is associated with genetic risk gene HS3ST1. Sci Adv.. 9(21) : doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adf6232., 2023.