Office of Research
Research Support
Supporting researchers at every level of the research stage.
Like no other, the COPH's Office of Research actively assists researchers at every level of the research stage. Our experienced Research Support Team of administrators and financial specialists look forward to serving the needs of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty members throughout the entire life cycle of sponsored awards, from initiating proposals to post-award management.
Proposal Development
The COPH's Office of Research serves as the primary liaison with the University’s Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) for the submission of proposals. Services include:
- Communicating proposal schedules to DSR and reviewing program announcements for compliance.
- Identifying limited submission announcements and assisting in obtaining University approval.
- Serving as point of contact for internal/external research collaborators.
- Assisting with budget developments including: calculation of costs, preparation/review of budget justifications, and review of subrecipient budgets.
- Working with subrecipients to obtain budgets, budget justifications, scopes of work, and institutional signatures and letters of support.
- Assisting in preparation of electronic application packets, e.g.,, NSF FastLane.
- Initiating Research Online Internal Forms and submitting completed applications to the Division of Sponsored Research for submission to the sponsor.
Group, One-on-One Consultations, Trainings, and Grant Management Workshops from the Office of Research Team are available by request.
The COPH's Office of Research works with the Division of Integrity and Compliance to ensure support for for research admins, life cycle steps, workforce development and further training.
The COPH's Office of Research provides exemplary post-award support in award negotiation and management, subrecipient agreements, prior approvals, financial management, research compliance and training. Services include the following:
Award Management
- Assisting PI and University’s Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) with negotiation of project scope and deliverables, budget, invoicing, and reporting requirements.
- Reviewing award documents including terms and conditions and reporting requirements.
- Preparation of Grant Budget Release and Subaccount Establishment Forms to request project chartfields and allocate funds to appropriate budget categories.
- Assisting PI with initial and subsequent adjustments to payroll distribution and budget transfers as well as with development of subrecipient agreements.
Prior Approvals
Assisting with obtaining prior approvals such as:
- Change of grantee institution
- Change of principal investigator
- Budget revisions
- Addition of subrecipient(s)
- Extensions (Cost and No Cost)
- Carryover requests
FinancialManagement Services
- Setting up and maintaining new project files.
- Performing or assisting with financial administration on every award.
- Preparing monthly reconciliation reports for each project.
- Assisting with interim financialreport and invoice reconciliation.
- Reviewing/monitoring of vendor and subrecipient invoices.
- Reviewing of travel authorization and expense reports.
- Reviewing of purchase requisition requests and p-card charges.
- Assisting with preparation of payment request forms and budget transfers.
- Monitoring of interdepartmental charges.
- Tracking program generated income and cost share.
- Performing financial compliance services on project expenditures.
- Assisting with final financial report or invoice to sponsor.
- Performing project financial closeout.
- Assisting with “after project end date” activities including audits. Reference Resources.
Research Compliance
The Division of Research Integrity & Compliance is the unit within the University of South Florida that ensures that research performed within the USF system is safe, ethical and complies with applicable regulations, laws, and institutional polices.
Use the links below for more information regarding the following compliance programs:
- IRB - Institutional Review Board & Human Research Protection Program
- HIPAA Program
- IACUC - Comparative Medicine
- BioSafety Program
- USF Compliance & Ethics
Group, One-on-One Consultations, Trainings, and Grant Management Workshops from the Office of Research Team are available by request.
The COPH's Office of Research works with the Division of Integrity and Compliance to ensure support for for research admins, life cycle steps, workforce development and further training.