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PMR Residency Program

Clinical Facilities

Tampa General Hospital

Tampa General Hospital

This institution serves as the primary teaching hospital for the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine.

Approximately 1,200 community and university affiliated attending physicians and more than 270 resident physicians in the USF College of Medicine residency programs serve the community’s medical needs.

Tampa General Hospital (TGH) is the largest community hospital in west central Florida. TGH is a1000-bed tertiary care medical center serving the Tampa Bay area and the surrounding counties.

Across the street from the main hospital is the USF Health building which is the site of several outpatient services.

Within Tampa General Hospital houses the Inpatient Pediatric Rehabilitation Center, which retains Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accreditation for:

  • Inpatient Brain Injury - Pediatric Specialty Program
  • Outpatient Brain Injury - Pediatric Specialty Program
  • Inpatient Rehabilitation - Pediatric Specialty Program
  • Spinal Cord System of Care - Pediatric Specialty Program
Tampa General Hospital Rehabilitation Hospital

Tampa General Hospital Rehabilitation Hospital

The TGH Rehabilitation Hospital, built and opened in 2022 in partnership with Kindred Healthcare, is a state-of-the-art, 80-bed inpatient acute rehabilitation hospital dedicated to the treatment and recovery of individuals who have experienced the debilitating effects of a severe injury or illness.

We offer customized, intense rehabilitation tailored to the individual needs of those recovering from:

It has earned accreditation (three-year) by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) in the following 12 areas:

  • Adult Brain Injury Inpatient Rehabilitation Program
  • Adult Brain Injury Outpatient Rehabilitation Program
  • Adult Inpatient Rehabilitation Program
  • Adult Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program - Outpatient
  • Adult Spinal Cord System of Care
  • Adult Inpatient Rehabilitation Program - Stroke Specialty Program
  • Adult Outpatient Rehabilitation Program - Stroke Specialty Program
James A. Haley Veterans Affairs Hospital

James A. Haley Veterans Affairs Hospital

The James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital is a tertiary care facility classified as a Clinical Referral Level 1 Facility. JAHVH is a teaching hospital, providing a full range of patient care services, with state-of-the-art technology as well as education and research. Comprehensive health care is provided through primary care, tertiary care, and long-term care in areas of medicine, surgery, psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, neurology, oncology, dentistry, geriatrics, and extended care.

The Tampa VA hospital is authorized for 415 beds and 118 Nursing Home Care Unit beds. It is also one of four Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center facilities in the country designed to provide intensive rehabilitative care to Veterans and Service members who experienced severe injuries (including brain injuries) to more than one organ system.

The Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center is a 170,000 square foot Center for inpatient and outpatient care that features 56 Private Inpatient Rooms for Acute Physical Rehabilitation of Veterans and Active Duty Service Members. Eighteen of the 56 rooms are dedicated to the rehabilitation of the Traumatic Brain Injured (Polytrauma) patients. The remaining thirty eight beds will meet the Rehabilitation needs of post orthopedic surgery, amputations, or the Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program.

The Tampa VA hospital is affiliated with the University of South Florida (USF) College of Medicine (Health Sciences Center) in North Tampa. Tampa provides training to 183 USF residents and fellows, offering residency training in all major medical and surgical specialties and subspecialties. The hospital is also a training site for medical, nursing (more than 400), and other health care professional students.

Moffitt Cancer Center

Moffitt Cancer Center

H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute opened its doors on October 27, 1986, on the Tampa campus of the University of South Florida. With cancer as a major public health threat in Florida, Moffitt has one priority – fighting cancer through patient care, education and research. Moffitt Cancer Center is a not-for-profit institution. It includes private patient rooms, the Southeast’s largest Blood and Marrow Transplant Program, outpatient treatment programs that record more than 328,300 visits a year, the Moffitt Research Center, Moffitt Cancer Center at International Plaza, and Moffitt Cancer Center Screening and Prevention. In 2003, Moffitt opened its doors to the Muriel Rothman Building (Clinic) and Vincent A. Stabile Research Building. These two buildings dramatically increased the existing research and outpatient clinical space to better serve our patients.
