PMR Residency Program
Curriculum and Responsibilities
James A. Haley VA Hospital – All rotations meet the requirements for the medical and osteopathic internship, necessary for ABPMR (American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) certification. PGY-1 year is split into 13 4-week blocks.
- Medicine Wards (16 weeks total)
- Neurology (4 weeks)
- Emergency Room (4 weeks)
- Family Medicine/Ambulatory Care (4 weeks)
- Infectious Diseases (4 weeks)
- Rheumatology (4 weeks)
- Neuroradiology (4 weeks)
- Orthopedic Surgery (4 weeks)
- SCI-B Ventilator Unit (4 weeks)
- Introduction to PM&R Residency (4 weeks; last month of PGY-1 year)
James A. Haley VA Hospital and Moffitt Cancer Center. Nine (9) months of inpatient rehabilitation at the VA.
- General rehabilitation (3 months)
- Traumatic brain injury (3 months) – includes outpatient TBI and spasticity clinics.
- Spinal cord injury (3 months)
- EMG/NCS (1 month)
- Musculoskeletal Injection Clinic (1 month)
- Palliative Care (1 month) – Moffitt Cancer Center
James A. Haley VA Hospital (JAHVAH), Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) and Tampa General Hospital(TGH).
- TGH Inpatient (2 months)
- TGH Consults (1 month)
- TGH Pediatric Rehabilitation (1 month)
- MCC Neurosurgery (1 month)
- MCC Interventional Pain (2 months)
- Private Practice Pain (1 month)
- JAHVAH TBI (1 month)
- JAHVAH EMG/NCS (1 month)
- JAHVAH Musculoskeletal Injection Clinic (2 months)
- JAHVAH Outpatient Clinics/Consults Rotation (1 month) – includes inpatient consults, amputee, pain, cardiac rehabilitation
James A. Haley VA Hospital (JAHVAH), Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) and Tampa General Hospital (TGH).
- TGH Consults (1 month)
- TGH Outpatient Clinics (2 months)
- TGH Pediatric Rehabilitation (1 month)
- MCC Interventional Pain (1 month)
- Private Practice Pain (1 month)
- JAHVAH General Rehabilitation (1 month)
- JAHVAH EMG/NCS (1 month)
- JAHVAH Outpatient Clinics/Consults Rotation (3 months) – includes inpatient consults, amputee, pain, cardiac rehabilitation
- JAHVAH Musculoskeletal Injection Clinic (1 month)
- Quality Improvement (2 weeks of a TGH Outpatient clinic month)