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* (MPP Affiliated Faculty Profile)

Stanley Nazian

Stanley Nazian, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Molecular Pharmacology, College of Medcine

Director, Preclerkship Curriculum, Morsani Colelge of Medicine

Contact Info


  • PHD, Biology (Physiology), Marquette University, 1977
  • B.S., Biology, Georgetown University, 1969

Academic Philosophy

"Teaching is not a popularity contest. Teaching is one of the highest callings, particularly at a medical school. We have a moral and social duty to produce the best physicians we can. I haven’t always succeeded, but I like to think I have tried."

Interdisciplinary and Emerging Signature Programs

  • Other

Research Interests

  • Most of my research career focused on the endocrine and neuroendocrine control of reproduction, with a special emphasis on the control of puberty in the male. Other major collaborative studies have included hormonal control of spermatogenesis, use of Sertoli cells as an immunoprotective for islet cell transplants and the cardiac endocrine system's control of salt and water. Recently my scholarly interests have shifted to more educationally orientated topics: factors that can predict success in medical school and the effect of various testing modalities on student performance.


  • Innovations in Teaching (Morsani College of Medicine - 2013)
  • USF President's Award for Faculty Excellence (University of South Florida - 2003)
  • USF COM Innovations in Medical Education Award (University of South Florida - 2002)


  • Member (International Association of Medical Science Educators, 2009 - Present)
  • Member (American Physiological Society, 1992 - Present)
  • Member (The Endocrine Society, 1979 - 2011)

Recent Publications

  • Nazian SJ. LHRH self-priming in the male: effect of multiple priming injections in the immature rat. Archives of andrology. 13(2-3) : 241-4, 1984.
  • Nazian SJ. Role of metastin in the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus of the male rat. Journal of andrology. 27(3) : 444-9
  • Nazian SJ. Concentrations of free testosterone, total testosterone, and androgen binding protein in the peripheral serum of male rats during sexual maturation. Journal of andrology. 7(1) : 49-54
  • Nazian SJ, Brewer LD, Ness GC. Pituitary regulation of the expression of the farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase gene in the testes of the sexually maturing rat. Journal of andrology. 12(4) : 264-72
  • Ness GC, Nazian SJ. Developmental expression of multiple forms of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase mRNA in rat testes. Journal of andrology. 13(4) : 318-22
  • Cameron DF, Muffly KE, Nazian SJ. Development of Sertoli cell binding competency in the peripubertal rat. Journal of andrology. 19(5) : 573-9
  • Nazian SJ, Cameron DF. Temporal relation between leptin and various indices of sexual maturation in the male rat. Journal of andrology. 20(4) : 487-91
  • Nazian SJ. Leptin secretion from the epididymal fat pad is increased by the sexual maturation of the male rat. Journal of andrology. 22(3) : 491-6
  • Nazian SJ, Dietz JR, Rowland MD. Pituitary response to LHRH during chronic renal insufficiency in the male rat. Journal of andrology. 10(3) : 174-9
  • Brannick MT, Wahi MM, Arce M, Johnson HA, Nazian S, Goldin SB. Comparison of trait and ability measures of emotional intelligence in medical students. Medical education. 43(11) : 1062-8, 2009.
  • Cracchiolo JR, Mori T, Nazian SJ, Tan J, Potter H, Arendash GW. Enhanced cognitive activity--over and above social or physical activity--is required to protect Alzheimer''s mice against cognitive impairment, reduce Abeta deposition, and increase synaptic immunoreactivity. Neurobiology of learning and memory. 88(3) : 277-94, 2007.
  • Lee SJ, Landon CS, Nazian SJ, Dietz JR. Cytochrome P-450 metabolites in endothelin-stimulated cardiac hormone secretion. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 286(5) : R888-93, 2004.
  • Dietz JR, Landon CS, Nazian SJ, Vesely DL, Gower WR. Effects of cardiac hormones on arterial pressure and sodium excretion in NPRA knockout mice. Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.). 229(8) : 813-8, 2004.
  • Newton CA, Lu T, Nazian SJ, Perkins I, Friedman H, Klein TW. The THC-induced suppression of Th1 polarization in response to Legionella pneumophila infection is not mediated by increases in corticosterone and PGE2. Journal of leukocyte biology. 76(4) : 854-61, 2004.
  • Dietz JR, Vesely DL, Gower WR, Landon CS, Lee SJ, Nazian SJ. Neutralization of proANP (1-30) exacerbates hypertension in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology. 30(9) : 627-31, 2003.
  • Cameron DF, Hushen JJ, Nazian SJ. Formation of insulin-secreting, Sertoli-enriched tissue constructs by microgravity coculture of isolated pig islets and rat Sertoli cells. In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal. 37(8) : 490-8, 2001.
  • Dietz JR, Scott DY, Landon CS, Nazian SJ. Evidence supporting a physiological role for proANP-(1-30) in the regulation of renal excretion. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 280(5) : R1510-7, 2001.
  • Newman MB, Nazian SJ, Sanberg PR, Diamond DM, Shytle RD. Corticosterone-attenuating and anxiolytic properties of mecamylamine in the rat. Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 25(3) : 609-20, 2001.
  • Cameron DF, Hushen JJ, Nazian SJ, Willing A, Saporta S, Sanberg PR. Formation of Sertoli cell-enriched tissue constructs utilizing simulated microgravity technology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 944: 420-8, 2001.
  • Lai P, Nazian SJ, Gower WR, Landon CS, Dietz JR. Increased bioactivity of rat atrial extracts: relation to aging and blood pressure regulation. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 55(8) : B390-5, 2000.
  • Nazian SJ, Landon CS, Dietz JR. Alterations in the opioid control of LHRH release from hypothalami isolated from aged male rats. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 53(3) : B191-5, 1998.
  • Pollack JA, Skvorak JP, Nazian SJ, Landon CS, Dietz JR. Alterations in atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) secretion and renal effects in aging. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. 52(4) : B196-202, 1997.
  • Dietz JR, Vesely DL, Gower WR, Nazian SJ. Secretion and renal effects of ANF prohormone peptides. Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology. 22(2) : 115-20, 1995.
  • Skvorak JP, Nazian SJ, Dietz JR. Endothelin acts as a paracrine regulator of stretch-induced atrial natriuretic peptide release. The American journal of physiology. 269(5 Pt 2) : R1093-8, 1995.
  • Dietz JR, Vesely DL, Nazian SJ. Possible mechanisms involved in the natriuretic response to atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and proANF 31-67 in the rat. Clinical and experimental pharmacology & physiology. 21(8) : 599-606, 1994.
  • Nazian SJ, Landon CS, Muffly KE, Cameron DF. Opioid inhibition of adrenergic and dopaminergic but not serotonergic stimulation of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone release from immortalized hypothalamic neurons. Molecular and cellular neurosciences. 5(6) : 642-8, 1994.
  • Muffly KE, Nazian SJ, Cameron DF. Effects of follicle-stimulating hormone on the junction-related Sertoli cell cytoskeleton and daily sperm production in testosterone-treated hypophysectomized rats. Biology of reproduction. 51(1) : 158-66, 1994.
  • Muffly KE, Nazian SJ, Cameron DF. Junction-related Sertoli cell cytoskeleton in testosterone-treated hypophysectomized rats. Biology of reproduction. 49(5) : 1122-32, 1993.
  • Cameron DF, Muffly KE, Nazian SJ. Reduced testosterone during puberty results in a midspermiogenic lesion. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 202(4) : 457-64, 1993.
  • Nazian SJ. Development and control of the opioid inhibition of gonadotropin secretion during the sexual maturation of the male rat. Neuroendocrinology. 55(6) : 613-20, 1992.
  • Nazian SJ, Cameron DF. Termination of the peripubertal FSH increase in male rats. The American journal of physiology. 262(2 Pt 1) : E179-84, 1992.
  • Nazian SJ. What good is recombinant DNA if you''re not a molecular biologist? The Journal of the Florida Medical Association. 79(5) : 331-3, 1992.
  • Dietz JR, Vesely DL, Nazian SJ. Effect of changes in sodium intake on atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and peptides derived from the N terminus of the ANF prohormone in the rat. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 200(1) : 44-8, 1992.
  • Dietz JR, Nazian SJ, Vesely DL. Release of ANF, proANF 1-98, and proANF 31-67 from isolated rat atria by atrial distension. The American journal of physiology. 260(6 Pt 2) : H1774-8, 1991.
  • Dietz JR, Nazian SJ. Studies on the role of the pituitary in the control of atrial natriuretic factor secretion and sodium excretion. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 194(3) : 231-9, 1990.
  • Nazian SJ. Flutamide blocks the self-priming effect of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in pubertal male rats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 194(4) : 352-7, 1990.
  • Nazian SJ. A self-priming effect of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone on follicle-stimulating hormone secretion in the adult male rat. Neuroendocrinology. 49(2) : 113-9, 1989.
  • Dietz JR, Nazian SJ. Release of atrial natriuretic factor in hypophysectomized rats. The American journal of physiology. 255(4 Pt 2) : R534-8, 1988.
  • Nazian SJ. Serum concentrations of reproductive hormones after administration of various anesthetics to immature and young adult male rats. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 187(4) : 482-7, 1988.
  • Nazian SJ, Dietz JR. Reproductive changes during the early stages of chronic renal insufficiency in the male rat. Biology of reproduction. 37(1) : 105-11, 1987.
  • Nazian SJ. Androgenic and estrogenic control of the self-priming effect of LHRH in the castrated male rat. Neuroendocrinology. 42(2) : 112-9, 1986.
  • Nazian SJ. Induction of the self-priming effect of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone during the sexual maturation of the male rat. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 179(3) : 348-51, 1985.
  • Nazian SJ. Serum and pituitary luteinizing hormone and serum androgens during luteinizing hormone releasing hormone self-priming in immature and pubertal male rats. Biology of reproduction. 29(4) : 912-8, 1983.
  • Nazian SJ. Pituitary function during the sexual maturation of the male rat: inhibition of prolactin secretion by exogenous dopamine. Biology of reproduction. 28(3) : 645-51, 1983.
  • Nazian SJ. Role of adrenal in control of gonadotropin secretion in the immature male rat. Archives of andrology. 8(1) : 37-42, 1982.
  • Manganiello PD, Nazian SJ, Ellegood JO, McDonough PG, Mahesh VB. Serum progesterone, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin, and prolactin in early pregnancy and a case of spontaneous abortion. Fertility and sterility. 36(1) : 55-60, 1981.
  • Nazian SJ. Temporal relationship between the development of the self-priming effect of LHRH and changes in serum concentrations of testosterone and androstenedione during the sexual maturation of the male rat. Biology of reproduction. 25(5) : 977-82, 1981.
  • Nazian SJ, Mahesh VB. LH-induced testicular steroid secretion after FSH treatment in immature and young adult hypophysectomized rats. Archives of andrology. 6(1) : 33-8, 1981.
  • Nazian SJ, Mahesh VB. Hypothalamic, pituitary, testicular, and secondary organ functions and interactions during the sexual maturation of the male rat. Archives of andrology. 4(4) : 283-303, 1980.
  • Vasquez JM, Nazian SJ, Mahesh VB. Pituitary sensitivity to LHRH in hyperprolactinemia induced by perphenazine and renal pituitary transplants in female rats. Biology of reproduction. 22(3) : 486-92, 1980.
  • Nazian SJ, Mahesh VB. Delay in some aspects of the sexual maturation of the male rat induced by androstenedione. Biology of reproduction. 22(3) : 451-8, 1980.
  • Vasquez JM, Ellegood JO, Nazian SJ, Mahesh VB. Effect of hyperprolactinemia on pituitary sensitivity to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone following manipulation of sex steroids. Fertility and sterility. 33(5) : 543-9, 1980.
  • Mahesh VB, Nazian SJ. Role of sex steroids in the initiation of puberty. Journal of steroid biochemistry. 11(1B) : 587-91, 1979.
  • Nazian SJ, Mahesh VB. Alterations in end organ responsiveness to testosterone during the sexual maturation of the male rat. Biology of reproduction. 21(2) : 465-71, 1979.
  • Nazian SJ, Mahesh VB. Sexual maturation of the male rat. Influence of androgens on the pituitary response to single or multiple injections of LH-RH. Neuroendocrinology. 29(5) : 313-22, 1979.
  • Nazian SJ, Piacsek BE. Effect of chronic exposure to cold on serum concentrations of thyroxine and prolactin during sexual maturation in the male rat. The Journal of endocrinology. 77(2) : 269-70, 1978.
  • Nazian SJ, Piacsek BE. Sexual maturation of the cold-exposed male rat: alterations in secondary sexual organ sensitivity to testosterone. Biology of reproduction. 19(2) : 256-60, 1978.
  • Nazian SJ, Piacsek BE. Maturation of the reproductive system in male rats raised at a low ambient temperature. Biology of reproduction. 17(5) : 668-75, 1977.
  • Nazian SJ, Piacsek BE. Vaginal opening and early estrous cycles in rats raised at a low ambient temperature. The Journal of experimental zoology. 198(1) : 13-6, 1976.
  • Freeman ME, Smith MS, Nazian SJ, Neill JD. Ovarian and hypothalamic control of the daily surges of prolactin secretion during pseudopregnancy in the rat. Endocrinology. 94(3) : 875-82, 1974.

Positions Held

  • Professor (Department of Physiology & Biophysics, College of Medicine, University of South Florida 1995 - 2006)