Flow Cytometry
How You Can Use The Facility
The Flow Core Facility is open to the USF community as well as researchers outside of USF. It is a fee based unit, although the fees only partially cover the cost of maintaining the laboratory.
If you are not familiar with the technology, very good description is available under the "User Education" topics. With questions about this, as well as about potential applications please feel free to ask the laboratory staff.
If you are planning a Flow experiment contact us for a free consultation. This will help you with designing an experiment that will properly answer your research questions. We will also set up new user accounts. Then you would schedule a time on the machine to run either a pilot experiment (or more) if your experiment is complex or if it is simple and your antibodies well characterized for flow cytometry you may schedule time for running your experiment. Read the Sample preparation guidelines about how to get ready for the experiment. We can run the samples for you, or you can be trained to run them yourself. The results are stored at the lab for only a limited time, so bring a USB portable storage device to save your data.
The charges accumulated by a lab are compiled monthly and forwarded to the PI.
For more information you can use the side bar menu, email at kszekere@health.usf.edu, call 396-9393, or come by the facility at MDC 3111.