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College Overview

* (COPH C Overview faculty)

Vickie Dugat, PhD, MPH

Vickie Dugat, PhD, MPH

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Vickie Dugat is a Maternal and Child Health Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health. She earned her Ph.D. in Health Education from the University of Toledo with a concentration in Maternal and Child Health and Diversity. In 2015, she earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida in Family, Youth, and Community Sciences and her Master’s in Public Health from Morehouse School of Medicine. Her research interests include exclusive breastfeeding, racial and ethnic health disparities, and stressful life events during pregnancy. She has also taught undergraduate public health courses and served as a certified Diversity Ambassador for the School of Population Health at the University of Toledo. As a first-generation Haitian American and college graduate, she aims to aid in reducing breastfeeding disparities in underrepresented populations and advance the overall health of mothers.