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Faculty & Staff

Educational Design & Technology

The Educational Design and Technology (EDT) team collaborates with both faculty and staff of the College of Nursing to provide expertise in instructional design and positively influence the college’s experiences. We develop online courses following Quality Matters guidelines and create tailored eLearning services and products. We also create and provide training and development opportunities, as well as supporting the college’s educational technologies.

Visit the Faculty Support page to find tutorials on how to use our most popular educational technologies.

Menu of Services

EDT is here to support both faculty and staff of the College of Nursing through several services listed in in the menu below. Overall, the services we offer include online course development, tailored eLearning services and products, training and development, and educational technology support.

The menu is also available for download.

  • If you have a course that you have been teaching for at least two years, you qualify to have your course professionally developed by the EDT team. This process takes approximately 12 to 16 weeks and would include the items listed below.

    New Course Submission Preparation

    Before you present your syllabus to the Curriculum Committee, let us have a look. We have reviewed countless syllabi and can ensure that yours is up-to-date with clear and measurable course objectives and student learning outcomes.

    Project Management

    Building an online course is a lot of work. So don’t spend more time and effort than you have to! Your instructional designer will work with you to develop a customized project plan to help you stay on target.

    Quality Matters (QM) Review

    All online and blended courses in the state of Florida must meet quality standards set forth by the state. Our EDT team members are Quality Matters’ certified. We will provide you with appropriate feedback to elevate the quality of your online or blended course.

    Course Map

    The course map is an important instructional design document that ensures the instructional materials, activities, and assessments align with course objectives and student learning outcomes. This document serves as evidence of multiple QM standards being met. Your instructional designer can help you navigate this map while offering feedback intended to improve your students learning experience.

    Canvas Build

    We can help you assemble your online course using the college's latest Canvas course template.

    Course Review

    If you are looking to elevate an existing course (online, face-to-face, or hybrid), our team will review your course, provide recommendations, and consult with you on updating your course.

  • Instructional designers are well-versed in utilizing eLearning authoring tools such as Adobe Creative Suite and Articulate 360 to develop impactful representations of your educational content tailored to the needs of your audience. Browse through these eLearning products and services below to discover what opportunities are available to you.


    PowerPoint Design

    We can help you develop and design PowerPoint presentations to enhance your message while providing a high-quality product that will engage your students. We can make your existing presentation more impactful with a full redesign or create an eye-catching template for you to use across the course to capture the interest and attention of your learners.


    Infographics are thoughtful and detailed representations of complex concepts and data. A good infographic can summarize a chapter's worth of content in one intriguing image.

    Web-based Lesson

    Enhance your informational PowerPoints and other documents into an interactive web-based lesson. We can help you chunk this content into mini-lessons that are highly interactive and visually appealing with embedded photos, videos, graphics, and quiz questions. Students will feel a sense of autonomy as they navigate their learning.

    Interactive Learning Experience

    Our instructional designers are adept at creating personalized highly interactive learning experiences. Work with us to design and develop learning that immerses the learners in real-world scenarios, learning games, and case studies. This is ideal for faculty looking to create a lasting memorable experience.

    Custom Theme in Canvas

    Customize your Canvas course and enhance your brand while adhering to the college’s design standards. The Custom Theme in Canvas menu item is for faculty who would like to improve the look and feel of their Canvas course. Improvements can include custom font and color selection, as well as banners and images that reflect the content of your lessons.

    Course Photography

    Course photography can help connect your face-to-face lab component with the online course. Let us photograph your course in action and place those images into your online course to create one seamless experience.

    Audio/Video Development


    We can help you record your screen and turn it into a beautiful and interactive video that will engage your learners. Screencasting will help you to show them how to navigate a website or use an application.

    Instructional Videos

    Demonstrations of medical procedures and/or the use of medical equipment may not be easily conveyed through text and pictures. Instructional videos will allow you to speak directly to your audience, showing them exactly what they need to know.

    Introduction Videos

    Instructor presence can be challenging to accomplish in an online environment through text or pictures alone. Our team will work with you to craft your story and develop an introduction video that will show your learners who you are.

    Audio Assistance

    Is your recorded lecture audio choppy, and do you not have the proper equipment to record those lectures? High-quality audio is critical to provide quality educational experiences in the online environment. The EDT team can provide you with a soundproof room equipped with audio recording technologies, as well as guidance on your script.


    Podcasts are great portable audio learning experiences that students can enjoy on the go while commuting, working out, or going for a walk on the beach.

  • EDT provides opportunities for training and development through additional support, consultation, webinars, and workshops. These are designed to provide you with guidance and bring you up to pace with the latest in online teaching pedagogy and educational technologies.

    Learning Activities and Assessments Consultation

    To ensure alignment of your course, sometimes you may want a new and better way to assess your students. Let us help you come up with creative assignments for students to improve the impact of your course.

    Learning Strategy Consultation

    Not sure where you are heading in your course development or project? The EDT team is well versed in educational technologies, instructional design, and educational theories. Sometimes what you need is not easily defined. In the Learning Strategy Consultation, you will work one-on-one with an instructional designer to help resolve your learning challenge.


    EDT will facilitate webinars focused on educational best practices for online, blended, and face-to-face facilitation, along with tools and technologies utilized at the College of Nursing.

    Instructional Webtools Workshop

    In this workshop, you will create your own online activity using carefully curated free or low-cost online applications that can be incorporated into your online course. Whether you are discussing the history of nursing or the human body, there is a specialized tool out there to meet the needs of your learners.

    Research Assistance

    Working through your research and realize there are visualizations and graphics you need assistance with building and creating? EDT will work with you to help create these graphical representations of your work and data.

    Educational Technologies Support

    We provide support to faculty and staff for a variety of educational technologies. The EDT team provides technical support and demonstrations for faculty and staff for the following tools: Canvas, Teams for Education, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, Proctorio, and Turnitin.

Our Team

  • Tasha M. Brown, PhD, PMP Tasha M. Brown, PhD, PMP
    Tasha M. Brown, PhD, PMP
    Associate Dean, Instructional Design, Assessment, & Evaluation; Chief Data & Learning Officer
  • Pranam Parsanlal, MS
    Pranam Parsanlal, MS
    Assistant Director
  • Vicente O. Saadeh, AS Vicente O. Saadeh, AS
    Vicente O. Saadeh, AS
    Learning Designer II
  • Alicia Savage, MBA
    Alicia Savage, MBA
    Learning Designer II
  • Tracie Cooper, MS
    Tracie Cooper, MS
    Learning Designer II
  • Brett Feller, MS
    Brett Feller, MS
    Learning Designer I

Contact Us

Thank you for taking the time to learn about our team and services. To request a consultation regarding one of our services or for additional support, please click the button below to submit a request.

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