MSN, Medical Surgical Nursing Education, Marquette University, 1971
BSN, Nursing, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1964
Interdisciplinary and Emerging Signature Programs
Allergy, Immunology & Infectious Disease
Cancer Biology
Research Interests
Psychoneuroimmunology, Genetics
Psycho-oncology, Complementary Therapy Intervention Research
Symptom Management for Cancer Survivors and Caregivers
Dr. Lengacher leads an interdisciplinary team of collaborators and researchers from the Colleges of Nursing, Public Health, Medicine and the Moffitt Cancer Center
Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame (Sigma Theta Tau International - 2019)
Director of Research (American Psychosocial Oncology Society - 2018)
Established Researcher Award (University of South Florida - 2017)
Fellow (American Psychosocial Oncology Research Society - 2017)
Mentor Award for Chancellor’s Research Fellow’s (CRF) Program (University of Texas - 2017)
College of Nursing Dissertation Mentor Award (University of South Florida - 2016)
“Meritorious Poster Award” (7th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference - 2014)
“Best Poster Award” (Oncology Nursing Society - 2012)
“Best Research Poster Award” (American Psychosocial Oncology Research Society, - 2012)
Fellow (American Academy of Nursing - 2011)
"Best Research Posters Award" (American Psychosocial Oncology Research Society - 2010)
“Long term Mentorship Award for 2010 BS-PhD Students” (Southern Nursing Research Society - 2010)
USF Outstanding Research Achievement Award (University of South Florida - 2010)
Great 100 Nurses Award (Florida Nurses Association - 2009)
Distinguished Achievement Award (University of Wisconsin School of Nursing - 2009)
Health Research Award Poster Winner (National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health - 2008)
Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teaching Award (University of South Florida - 2001)
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (American Academy of Nursing - 2001)
Outstanding Teaching Incentive Program Award (University of South Florida - 1998)
Presidential USA Scholars Program (University of South Florida - 1997)
Excellence in Research Award (Sigma Theta Tau, Delta Beta Chapter - 1995)
President's Award (Florida League for Nursing - 1992)
Sigma Theta Tau International, Delta Gamma Chapter (Marquette University - 1984)
Phi Delta Kappa (Marquette University - 1983)
Graduate Fellowship (Marquette University - 1981)
Nurse Traineeship (Marquette University - 1969)
University of Wisconsin Scholarship Awards (University of Wisconsin - 1960)
Nursing Scholarship (Veterans Association - 1960)
2023 “Best of the Best APOS Posters” (American Psychosocial Oncology Society - 2023)
Distinguished Researcher Award (Oncology Nursing Society - 2022)
Nominated for the USF Distinguished Professor Award (University of South Florida - 2022)
2022 “Best of the Best Oral Presentation” (American Psychosocial Oncology Society - 2022)
Top Researcher Poster Award (American Psychosocial Oncology Society - 2021)
American Association for Advancement of Science (American Association for Advancement of Science - 2023)
MS Research Society, Grant Review (French International Foundation ARSEP, 2017 - 2020)
Behavioral Medicine, Interventions, and Outcomes Study Section Permanent Member (NIH Scientific Review Committee, 2017 - 2018)
Behavioral Medicine, Interventions, and Outcomes Study Section (NIH Scientific Review Committee, 2017 - 2020)
Member of the PNI Sig Group (Southern Nursing Research Society, 2013 - Present)
Genetic Panel (American Academy of Nursing, 2012 - Present)
Fellow (American Academy of Nursing, 2011 - Present)
Women's Health Panel (American Academy of Nursing, 2011 - Present)
Scientific Review Committee for American Psycho-Oncology Society (APOS, 2007 - Present)
Program Committee (APOS, 2007 - Present)
Member (American Psychosocial Oncology Society, 2005 - Present)
Member CAM PNI Sig Interest Group (Oncology Nursing Society, 2005 - Present)
Member (APOS, 2005 - Present)
Oncology Nursing Forum Reviewer (Oncology Nursing Society, 2002 - Present)
Foundation Grant reviewer (Oncology Nursing Society, 2001 - 2018)
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (American Academy of Nursing, 2001 - Present)
Member (Oncology Nursing Society, 1997 - Present)
Council of Nurse Researchers (American Nurses Association, 1994 - Present)
Member (Southern Nursing Research Society, 1989 - Present)
Member (Sigma Theta Tau- Delta Beta Chapter, University of South Florida, 1989 - Present)
Member (National League for Nursing, 1976 - Present)
Member (American Nurses Association, 1964 - Present)
Board of Directors, member (APOS, 2015 - 2018)
Mind Body Special Emphasis Panel (NIH /NCCIH Scientific, 2021 - 2021)
Genetic Panel (American Academy of Nursing, 2012 - Present)
Director of the Research (APOS, 2017 - 2018)
Mentorship Commitee (APOS, 2017 - Present)
Recent Publications
Lengacher CA, Reich RR, Paterson CL, Shelton M, Shivers S, Ramesar S, Pleasant M, L, Budhrani-Shani P, Groer M, Post-White J, Johnson-Mallard V, Kane B, Cousin L, Moscoso M, S, Romershausen T, A, & Park JY. A large randomized trial: Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) for breast cancer (BC) survivors on salivary cortisol and IL-6Biological Research for Nursing. : 1-11. PMID: 30079756, 2019.
Lin K, J, & Lengacher C, A. Anthracycline chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer survivors: A systematic reviewOncology Nursing Forum. 46(5) : 145–158. DOI 10.1188/19.ONF.E145-E158, 2019.
Park JY, Lengacher CA, Reich R, Alinat C, Ramesar S, Le A, Paterson C, Pleasant M, L, Park HY, Kiluk J, Han H, Ismail-Khan R, & Kip KE. Translational genomic research: The role of genetic polymorphisms in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program for breast cancer survivors (MBSR(BC))Translational Behavioral Medicin. : iby061. PMID: 30137607, 2019.
Lengacher C, A, Richard R, Austin Johnson A, Hamilton L, Lin K, Romerhausen T, Rodriguez C, Wittenberg T, Chauca K, Nieves Bravo C, Kip K, Fradley M, Park J. Comparison between chemotherapy regimens and subjective cognitive functioning among breast cancer survivors (BCS)Psycho-oncology. 28: 18. DOI: 10.1002/pon.4987, 2019.
Lengacher C, A, Romerhausen T, Chauca K, Nieves Bravo C, Wittenberg T, Austin Johnson A, Rodriguez C, Cadenas J, Ruiz A, Hamilton L, Fenech A, Esele M, Frias G, Joshi A, . Development and implementation of a community outreach recruitment plan to recruit breast cancer survivors for longitudinal research.Psycho-oncology. 28: 15. DOI: 10.1002/pon.4987, 2019.
Tinsley S, Padron E, Lengacher C, & Komrokji R. Gender differences in quality of life of patients with acute myeloid leukemia and high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes receiving treatment.Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia. 19: Page S216,ISSN 2152-2650,, 2019.
Le A, Lengacher C, & Ramesar S. Integrative oncology (IO) models for supportive breast cancer care: The state of the sciencePsycho-oncology. 27: 74. doi:10.1002/pon.4623, 2018.
Miller J, Lengacher C, A, Tofthagen C, & Redwine L. State of the science of depressive symptoms and chemotherapy-related cognitive impairment.Psycho-oncology. 27: 78. doi: 10.1002/pon.4623, 2018.
Rodriguez C, Lengacher C, A, Ramesar S, Pleasant M, Le A, & Donovan K, . Elements of an active control breast cancer-education support (BCES) program for breast cancer survivorsPsycho-oncology. 27: 63. doi:10.1002/pon.4623, 2018.
Lengacher C, A, Reich R, Klein T, Shivers S, Paterson C, Rodriguez C, Ramesar S, Goodman M, Pleasant M, Le, A, Austin Johnson A, Miller J, Park J, Meng H, & Kip K, Relationships between serum cytokines, physical and psychological symptoms, and quality of life (QOL) among post treatment breast cancer survivors (BCS).Psycho-oncology. : 27(S1), 87. doi: 10.1002/pon.4623, 2018.
Moscoso M, & Lengacher C, A, El rol de mindfulness en la regulación emocional de la depression.Mindfulness & Compassion. 2(2) : 64-70., 2017.
Lengacher C, A, Reich R, R, Ramesar S, Alinat C, B, Moscoso M, Cousin L, Marino V, R, Elias M, N, Paterson C, L, Pleasant M, L, Rodriguez C, S, Wang H, L, Kip K, E, Meng H, Park, J, Y. Feasibility of the mobile mindfulness‐based stress reduction for breast cancer (mMBSR(BC)) program for symptom improvement among breast cancer survivors.Psycho-Oncology. , 2017.
Tinsley-Vance S., Lengacher, C., Sutton, S., Extermann, M., El-Jawahri, A., Komrokji, R, et al Study Protocol: Development of a Quality-of-Life Decision- Making Model for Older Patients with Acute Myeloid LeukemiaJournal of Advanced Practitioner in Oncology. , 2023.
Tinsley-Vance, S., Nodzon, L., Durosier-Mertilus, D., Lengacher, C. An Integrative Review of Sex Disparities in Quality of Life Among Survivors of Hematologic Malignancies.Oncology Nursing Forum. :, 2023.
Lengacher, C. A., Tofthagen, C., Reich, R. R., Rodriguez C. S., Tinsley, S., Meng, H., Kip, K. E., Lin, K., Cadenas, J., Megan, A., Joshi, A., Baier, C. E., Wang, J., Lucas, J., Fonseca, T., Nidamanur, S., Allen, A. P., Pomatto, M., Surdovel, A., Par Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer program compared to a Breast Cancer-Education Support program or Usual Care for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Improvement Among Breast Cancer SurvivorsPsycho-Oncology. :, 2023.
Lengacher, C. A., Reich, R. R., Rodriguez, C. S., Meng, H., Tinsley, S., Tofthagen, C., Lucas, J., Fonseca, T., Borstein, E., Lin, K., Hueluer, G., Chauca, K., Wang, J., Acosta, M., Joshi, A., Allen, A. P., Baier, C. E., Nidamanur, S., Park, J. Y. High-Resolution Symptom Assessment Among Breast Cancer Survivors (BCS) Enrolled in a Mindfulness‐Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer MBSR(BC) ProgramPsycho-Oncology. :, 2023.
Lengacher, C. A., Reich, R. R., Rodriguez, C. S., Drobisz, J., Hagen, L., Meng, H., Tinsley, S., Chauca, K., Lucas, J., Fonseca, T., Acosta, M., Baier, C., Joshi, A., Nidamanur, S., Pomatto, M., Surdovel, A., Allen, A. P., Kelly, T., Akinola, B., Par Evaluation of a Virtual Breast Cancer Education Support Program for Advanced Stage Breast Cancer Survivors (vBCES(BC)) for Black and Hispanic Breast Cancer Survivors.Psycho-Oncology. :, 2023.
Lengacher, C. A., Reich, R. R., Rodriguez, C. S., Drobisz, J., Hagen, L., Meng, H., Tinsley, S., Chauca, K., Lucas, J., Fonseca, T., Acosta, M., Baier, C. E., Joshi, A., Nidamanur, S., Pomatto, M., Surdovel, A., Allen, A. P., Kelly, T., Akinola, B. P Evaluation of a Virtual Mindfulness‐Based Stress Reduction Program for Advanced Stage Breast Cancer Survivors (vMBSR(BC)) Adapted for Black and Hispanic BCS.Psycho-Oncology. :, 2023.
Lin, K. J., Lengacher, C. A., Rodriguez, C. S., Szalacha, L., Wolgemuth, J. A Theoretical Framework for Understanding Breast Cancer Survivors’ Post-Treatment Lived Experiences in an Educational Program: A Qualitative Data AnalysisPsycho-Oncology. :, 2023.
Tinsley-Vance S.M., Lengacher C.A., Kuykendall A, et al Discordance between Patient Goals and Treatment in Older AML PatientsBlood. : doi:10.1182/blood-2022-163684, 2022.
Tinsley-Vance, S., Lengacher C., Sutton, S., Extermann, M., El-Jawahri, A., Komrokji, R., & Lancet, J. Characteristics of the First 100 Subjects in Development of an AML Patient Decision AidClinical Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia. :, 2022.
Veal BM, Dobbs D, Lee S, Bugos JA, Pyfrom MP, Boddupalli S, Lengacher C.A, Meng H. Feasibility and Acceptability of a Group Music Intervention in Memory Care CommunitiesJ Appl Gerontol. : doi: 10.1177/07334648221079118, 2022.
Beckie, T.M., Lengacher, C., Rodríguez, C., Pares-Avila, J., Turner, D., Sanchez, M., & Nair A framework for addressing health equity in sexual and gender diverse populations,Nursing Outlook. :, 2022.
Morgan, S.P., Lengacher, C.A., Rodriguez C.S. Caregiver burden in caregivers of patients with advanced stage cancer: A concept analysis.European Journal of Oncology. : Nursing 60 (2022) 102152., 2022.
Park, J., Lengacher, C.A., Reich, R., Park, H., Whiting, J., Nguyen, A., Rodriguez, C.S., Meng, H., Tinsley, S., Chauca, K., Gordillo-Casero, L., Wittenberg, T., Joshi, A., Lin, K., Ismail-Khan, R., Kiluk. J.V. and Kip, K Translational Genomic Research: The Association between Genetic Profiles and Cognitive Functioning or Cardiac Function Among Breast Cancer Survivors Completing ChemotherapyBiological Research For Nursing. : DOI: 10.1177/10998004221094386, 2022.
Lin, K. J., Lengacher, C. A., Rodriguez, C., Szalacha, L., & Wolgemuth. J. Educational programs for post-treatment breast cancer survivors: A systematic reviewEur. J. Gynaecol., 2022.
Hagen, L., Fox, A., O'Leary, H. Dyson, D., Walker, K., Lengacher, C.A., Hernandez, R. The role of influential actors in fostering the polarized COVID-19 vaccine discourse on Twitter: Mixed methods of machine learning and inductive codingJournal of Medical Internet Research. :, 2022.
Lengacher, C., Joshi, A., Rodriguez, C., Torres, A., Baier, C., Hader, L.A., Drobisz, J., Sheybani, E., Hagen, L., Morgan, S., Lin, K., Nagesh, N.O., Moreno, M., Lucas, J., Fonesca, T., Bornstein, E., Bonamer, J. Development of a Virtual Breast Cancer Education Support Program (vBCES) for Culturally Diverse Breast Cancer SurvivorsPsycho-Oncology. :, 2022.
Lengacher, C., Rodriguez, C., Reich, R., Meng, H., Joshi, A., Baier, C., Nguyen, A.T., Basha, N., Torres, A., Acosta, M., Tinsley, S., Lin, K., Morgan, S., Cox, C., Greenberg, H., Ismail-Khan, R., Park, J. Moderating Effects on Cognitive Improvement Due to a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer Survivors MBSR(BC).Psycho-Oncology. :, 2022.
Lengacher, C., Rodriguez, C., Reich, R., Nguyen, A.T., Kip, K., Joshi, A., Chauca, K., Park, J., Meng, H., Moscoso, M., Goodman, M., Baier, C., Lin, K., Wittenberg, T., Torres, A., Tinsley, S., Lucas, J., Bornstein, E., Fonseca, T., Basha, N. Comparison of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer Survivors, MBSR(BC), Breast Cancer Education Support Program or Usual Care on Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Functioning.Psycho-Oncology. :, 2022.
Lengacher, C., Reich, R., Rodriguez, C., Nguyen, A.T., Park, J., Meng, H., Hueluer, G., Joshi, A., Acosta, M., Baier, C., Torres, A., Wittenberg, T., Morgan, S., Tinsley, S., Lucas, J., Fonesca, T., Bornstein, E., Lin, K., Padgett, L. Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR(BS)) Compared to Breast Cancer-Education Support (BCES) and UC for Symptom Improvement Among Breast Cancer Survivors (BCS).Psycho-Oncology. :, 2022.
Lengacher, C., Hueluer, G., Reich, R., Rodriguez, C., Kip, K., Nguyen, A.T., Moscoso, M., Meng, H., Park, J., Chauca, K., Joshi, A., Wittenberg, T., Baier, C., Torres, A., Denman, A., Acosta, M., Fonesca, T., Luca Evaluating Mediators of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR (BC)) Program on Cognitive Functioning and Symptom Response Among Breast Cancer Survivors (BCS).Pyscho-Oncology. :, 2022.
Tinsley, S., Nodzon, L., & Lengacher, C. A Review of Gender Differences in Quality of Life for Hematologic Malignancies.Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia,. :, 2021.
Tinsley, S., & Lengacher, C. AML-075: Converting In-Person Research Procedures to a Virtual Platform During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients.Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia,. :, 2021.
Tinsley S. M., Nodzon L.A., Lengacher C.A Quality of Life in Hematologic Malignancies: A Review of Sex DifferencesOncology Nursing Forum. : doi:10.1188/21.ONF.E3., 2021.
Lin, J. K., Lengacher, C., Rodriguez, C., Szalacha, L., & Wolgemuth, J. Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Dysfunction in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Systematic ReviewJournal of Cancer Treatment and Research. : doi: 10.11648/j.jctr.20210902.12 ISSN: 2376-7782, 2021.
Lengacher, C.A., Gruss, F.L., Kip K. E., Reich, R.R., Moscoso. M. S., Chauca, K., Joshi, A., Budhrani-Shani, P., Cousin, L., Paterson-Khan, C., Goodman, M., & Park, J, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer Survivors (MBSR (BC)): Evaluating Mediators of Psychological and Physical Outcomes in a Large Randomized Controlled TrialJ Behav Med. :, 2021.
Raquel, H., Hagen, L., Walker, K., O’Leary, H., & Lengacher, C., The SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Social Media Infodemic: Healthcare Providers' Missed Dose in Addressing Misinformation and Vaccine Hesitancy for consideration to Vaccine,Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. :, 2021.
Lengacher, C.A., Park, J.Y., Reich, R.R., Gordillo-Casero, L., Meng, H., Rodriguez, C., Ismail-Khan, R., Zhou, J., Park, H.Y., Chauca, K., Hamilton, L., Joshi, A., Bornstein, E., Lucas, J., Fonseca, T., Donovan, The association between genetic variations and objective/subjective cognitive outcomes in a study of breast cancer survivors (BCS) who completed chemotherapy (CT)Psycho-Oncology. : https://doi/10.1002/pon.5638, 2021.
Lengacher, C. A., Joshi, A., Gordillo-Casero, L., Chauca, K., Rodriguez, C., Syed, J., Sheybani, E. Laguna, J., Abdel Hader, L., Zeper, D., Hagen, L., Ali, S., Akandh, S.I., Akandh, S., Elsadi, F., Martinez, D Prototype evaluation of a virtual mindfulness‐based stress reduction program for caregivers of advanced stage cancer survivors (vMBSR[C])Psycho-Oncology. : https://doi/10.1002/pon.5638, 2021.
Meng, H., Lengacher, C. A., Chauca, K., Reich, R. R., Kip, K. E., Wittenberg, T., Park, J. Y., Rodriguez, C.S., Nguyen, A., Hamilton, L., Joshi, A., Frias, G., Cadenas, J., Donovan, K., Bornstein, E., Fonseca, T., Vaccaro, Effects of a mindfulness based stress reduction breast cancer (MBSR(BC)) program compared to a breast cancer education support (BCES) program on health services utilization and costs of care.Psycho-Oncology. : https://doi/10.1002/pon.5638, 2021.
Rodriguez, C., Lengacher, C. A., Wittenberg, T., Chauca, K., Gordillo-Casero, L., Joshi, A., Durosier, D., Moreno, M Hispanic cancer caregivers: characteristics and intervention gaps.Psycho-Oncology. : https://doi/10.1002/pon.5638, 2021.
Lengacher, C.A., Park, J.Y., Reich, R.R., Gordillo-Casero, L., Meng, H., Rodriguez, C., Ismail-Khan, R., Park, H.Y., Zhou, J.M., Chauca, K., Hamilton, L., Joshi, A., Lin, K., Kip, K.E., Austin-Johnson, A., Bornstein, E., Lucas, J., Fonse The association between genetic variants and cardiac outcomes among breast cancer survivors (BCS) who received chemotherapy (CT)Psycho-Oncology. : https://doi/10.1002/pon.5638, 2021.
Lengacher, C. A., Wittenberg, T., Rodriguez, C. S., Chauca, K., Hamilton, L., Rodriguez, C.S., Frias, G., Cadenas, J., Donovan, K., Reich, R.R., Nguyen, A., Meng, H., Park, J.Y Transforming face‐to‐face research procedures to a remote platform during the covid‐19 pandemic for breast cancer survivors (BCS).Psycho-Oncology. : https://doi/10.1002/pon.5638, 2021.
Tinsley-Vance, S, Lengacher C.A., Komrokji, R.S., and Lancet, J. AML-077: Development of a Quality-of-Life Decision-Making Model for Older Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.Clinical, Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukemia. : DOI:10.1016/S2152-2650(20)30712-6., 2020.
Lengacher, C.A., Reich, R.R., Gruss, L.F., Rodriguez, C., Chauca, K., Hamilton, L., Joshi, A., Wittenberg, T., Lin, K., Austin Johnson, A., Berarducci, A., Lucas, J., Nguyen, A., Rogers, D., Fonseca, T., Park, J A Pilot Study Evaluating the Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on Cardiovascular Functioning among Breast Cancer Survivors (BCS)Psycho-Oncology. : https://, 2020.
Lengacher, C.A. Designing a research project, writing specific aims, significance, and innovation for NIH grant applications. A symposium presentation NIH Psychosocial Oncology Funding: The New In’s and OutsPsycho-Oncology. : https://, 2020.
Lengacher C.A., Reich R., Hamilton L., Chauca, K., Joshi, A., Rodriguez, C., Wittenberg, T., Austin Johnson, A., Nieves Bravo C., Frias, G., Lin, K., Kip K., Fradley, M., Ismail-Khan, R., Lucas, J., Rogers, D., Fonseca, T., Cadenas, J., Bornstein, E. Cognitive Functioning: A Comparison in Subjective and Objective Cognitive Functioning between Breast Cancer Survivors (BCS) receiving Anthracycline Chemotherapy and BCS Receiving Different Chemotherapy Treatments.Psycho-Oncology. : https://, 2020.
Lengacher, C. A., Joshi, A., Wittenberg T., Syed, J., Nieves Bravo, C., Chauca, K., Hamilton, L., Reich, R., Dutta, K., Lucas, J., Fonseca, T., Bornstein, E., Park, J. Development of a Virtual Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (vMBSR) for Caregivers of Advanced Stage Cancer Survivors.Psycho-Oncology. : https://, 2020.
Rodriguez, C.S., Lengacher, C. A., Moscoso, M., Chauca, K., Nieves Bravo C., Frias, G., Hamilton L., Cadenas, J., Donovan, K., Reich R., Wittenberg, T., Park, J. Development and implementation of a Spanish, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR,BC) program for breast cancer survivors MBSR(BC).Psycho-Oncology. : https://, 2020.
Reich, R.R., Lengacher, C.A., Alinat, C.B., Kip, K.E., Paterson, C., Ramesar, S., Han, H.S., Ismail-Khan, R., Johnson-Mallard, V., Moscoso, M., Budhrani-Shani, P., Shivers, S., Cox, C.E., Goodman, M., & Park J. Mindfulness-based stress reduction in post-treatment breast cancer patients: Immediate and sustained effects across multiple symptom clusters.Journal of Pain Symptom Management. :, 2017.
Lengacher, C.A., Reich, R.R., Paterson, C.L., Ramesar, S., Park, J.Y., Alinat, C., Johnson-Mallard, V., Moscoso, M., Budhrani-Shani, P., Miladinovic, B., Jacobsen, P.B., Cox, C.E., Goodman, M., & Kip, K.E Examination of broad symptom improvement resulting from mindfulness-based stress reduction in breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial.Journal of Clinical Oncology. : doi: 10.1200/JCO.2015.65.7874, 2016.
Moscoso, M.S. & Lengacher, CA Mecanismos neurocognitivos de la Terapia Basada en Mindfulness/Neurocognitive mechanisms of the Mindfulness Based Therapy (Spanish language)Revista Liberabit de la Universidad San Martin de Porres de Lima, Peru. :, 2015.