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Dr. Alicia Gill Rossiter

Dr. Alicia Gill Rossiter, DNP, APRN, FNP, PPCNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN

Chief Officer of Military and Veteran Affairs, College of Nursing

Director V-Care Veteran To Bsn Pathway, College of Nursing

Associate Professor, College of Nursing

Nursing, Military Liaison


  • DNP, Nursing, University of South Florida, 2015
  • MS, Nursing, University of South Florida, 1996
  • BS, Nursing, University of Alabama, 1987

Research Interests

  • Impact of parental military service on the physical and psychological health of military-connected children. Transitioning needs of medics and corpsmen into the professional nursing role. Educating nurses and healthcare providers to care for servicemembers, Veterans, and military families. Women Veteran Health Issues with a focus on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder secondary to Military Sexual Trauma.


  • Fellow American Academy of Nursing (American Academy of Nursing - 2018)
  • Fellow American Association of Nurse Practitioners (American Association of Nurse Practitioners - 2014)
  • Heroes at Work (Tampa Bay Business Journal - 2014)
  • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners State Award of Excellence for Florida recipient (American Association of Nurse Practitioners - 2013)
  • Bob Woodward Jonas Veteran Healthcare Scholar (Jonas Foundation - 2012)
  • Grassroots Advocacy Award (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners - 2022)
  • Florida Nurses Association Nursing Innovation and Creativity Icon Award (Florida Nurses Association - 2023)
  • The University of Alabama Capstone College of Nursing Distinguished Alumni Award (The University of Alabama Capstone College of Nursing - 2023)
  • Special Forces Charitable Trust Hope and Purpose Award (Special Forces Charitable Trust - 2024)


  • Member (American Academy of Nursing, 2018 - Present)
  • Member (Florida Nurse Practitioner Network, 2011 - Present)
  • Member (American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2010 - Present)
  • Member (National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, 2010 - Present)
  • Member (Sigma Theta Tau International, 1996 - Present)
  • Member (American Nurses Association, 2018 - Present)
  • Member (Florida Nurse Association, 2018 - Present)

Recent Publications

  • Rossiter A, G, & Ling C, G, . Building Resilience in Military Families: Why it Matters British Medical Journal Military Health. , 2021.
  • Rossiter A, G, Cogan A, M, Cervelli L, & Ling C, G, . Treating Military-Connected-Children in the Civilian Sector: Information and Resources for Clinicians. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 101(4) : 735-737, 2020.
  • Hallowell S, G, Oerther S, E, Downing-Castronovo A, Rossiter A, G, & Montalvo W, . Innovation in Health Policy Education - A Framework to Develop the Next Generation of Clinicians, Scholars and Leaders Nursing Education Perspectives. , 2020.
  • Rossiter A, G, Hernandez C, & Mackie K, . Collateral Damage: Mitigating Toxic Stress Secondary to Parental Military Service in Post- 9/11 Military-Connected Children. Advances in Pediatrics. 67: 1-13, 2020.
  • Ling C, G, Cogan A, M, Cervelli L, & Rossiter A, G, . Treating Military Spouses in the Civilian Sector: Information and Resources for Clinicians. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,. 101(5) : 927-930, 2020.
  • Rossiter A, G, Patrician P, A, Dumas M, A, Ling C, G, Johnson H, L, & Wilmoth M, C, . I Serve 2: Identifying and caring for military children in civilian primary care settings. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. , 2018.
  • Hamilton L, A, Ling C, G, 7 Rossiter A, . Impact of parental military service on the health of military connected children. Journal of Pediatric Healthcare. 32(6) : 634-638, 2018.
  • Cogan A, M, Cervelli L, Dillahunt-Aspillaga T, & Rossiter A, G, . Treating military service members and veterans in the private sector: Information and resources for clinicians. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 99(12) : 2659-2661, 2018.
  • Oerther S, Hallowell S, Rossiter A, G, & Gross D, . The American Academy of Nursing Jonas Policy Scholars program: Mentoring future nurse leaders to advance health policy. Journal of Advanced Nursing.. , 2018.
  • Morrison-Beedy D, and Rossiter A, G, . Next set of orders: Best practices for academia to ensure veteran student success and military/veteran focus. Nurse Education Today. 66: 175-178, 2018.
  • Lockett T, L, Hickman K, L, Fils B, J, Lomonaco M, Maye J, P, & Rossiter A, G, . Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Kit Distribution: A Quality Improvement Educational Program in the Primary Care Setting. Journal of Addiction Nursing. 29(3) : 157-162, 2018.
  • Cogan A, M, Cervelli L, Dillahunt-Aspillaga T, & Rossiter A, G, . Treating military service members and veterans in the private sector: Information and resources for clinicians. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 99(12) : 2659-2661, 2018.
  • Rossiter A, G, Sabol V, K, & Hicks R, W, . So you want to be a fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners: Navigating the fellowship process to ensure your success. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners.. , 2017.
  • Rossiter A, G, D’Aoust R, F, Shafer M, R, Martin M, & Kip K, . Accelerated resolution therapy for women veterans experiencing military sexual trauma related post- traumatic stress disorder. Annals of Psychiatry and Mental Health. 5(4) , 2017.
  • D’Aoust R, F, Rossiter A, G, Elliott A, E, Ji M, Lengacher C, Groer . Women veterans, a population at risk for fibromyalgia: The associations between fibromyalgia,symptoms and quality of life. Military Medicine. 182(7) : e1828-e1835, 2017.
  • Rossiter A, G, Morrison-Beedy D, Capper T, & D’Aoust R, F, . Meeting the needs of the 21st century veteran: Development of an evidence-based online veteran healthcare course. Journal of Professional Nursing. , 2017.
  • D’Aoust R, F, Rossiter A, G, & Clochesy J, . Supporting medics’ and corpsmen’s move into professional nursing. Nurse Education Today. 47: 10-14, 2016.
  • D’Aoust R, F, Rossiter A, G, Itle E, & Clochesy J, . Got your six: Supporting veterans move into professional nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives. 37(6) : 340-342, 2016.
  • Rossiter A, G, D’Aoust R, F, & Shafer M, R, . Military serving at what cost? The effects of parental service on the wellbeing of our youngest military members. Annual Review of Nursing Research. 34(1) : 109-117, 2016.
  • Rossiter A, G, Dumas M, A, Wilmoth M, C, & Patrician P, A. I serve 2: Meeting the needs of military children in civilian practice. Nursing Outlook.. 64(5) : 485-490, 2016.
  • Alicia Gill Rossiter, Lt, Col, USAFR NC, MS, FNP, PNP-BC; Rasheeta Chandler, PhD, FNP-BC. Women Veterans and Divorce: What are the Contributing Factors? Nurse Leader. 11(5) : 51-53, 2013.
  • Alicia Gill Rossiter, Lt, Col, USAFR NC, MS, FNP, PNP-BC; Sharlene Smith, MS, ARNP, CPNP. The Invisible Wounds of War: Caring for Women Veterans who have Experienced Military Sexual Trauma Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. : 1-6, 2013.
  • Alicia Gill Rossiter, Lt, Col, USAFR NC, MS, FNP, PNP-BC. Gowning and Gloving: What to Use When OR Nurse. 2(6) : 14-15, 2012.
  • Rossiter, A.G, Sahebzamani, F.M., Webb, M.S, Groer, M.W. Relationship of Sexual Trauma with the Health of Women Veterans Brain, Barrier, and Immunity. 26(11) , 2012.
  • Wilmoth, M.C, Cope, M., Rossiter, A.G., & Ling, C.G. The Reserve Component Connected Family In Your School: Still Invisible. On the Move: The Official Magazine of the Military Child Education Coalition. 16(1) : 16-17, 2023.
  • D’Aoust, R.F. & Rossiter, A.G. Caring for veterans and their families: A guide for nurses and other healthcare professionals. Book:Publisher Jones and Bartlett. , 2022.
  • Ling, C.G. & Rossiter, A.G. Military families in your community: Serving those who care for those who serve. North Carolina Medical Journal. 4(6) : 11-13, 2023.
  • Roland, R., Rossiter, A.G., & Morrison-Beedy, D. Military Veterans transitioning to the role of nursing student in civilian nursing programs. Building Healthy Academic Communities Journal. 7(2) : 25-39, 2023.
  • McGhee, S. Rossiter, A.G., Ling, C. Kenny, D. Yoder, L. Sheehy, S. Bester, W. Wolgast, K. & Finnegan, A. Working together for a common goal: The International Armed Forces Community Nursing Collaborative. Building Healthy Academic Communities Journal. 7(2) : 15-24, 2023.
  • Ling, C.G. & Rossiter, A.G. Military families in your community: Serving those who care for those who serve. North Carolina Medical Journal. 4(6) : 11-13, 2023.
  • Roland, R., Rossiter, A.G., & Morrison-Beedy, D. Military Veterans transitioning to the role of nursing student in civilian nursing programs. Building Healthy Academic Communities Journal. 7(2) : 25-39, 2023.
  • McGhee, S. Rossiter, A.G., Ling, C. Kenny, D. Yoder, L. Sheehy, S. Bester, W. Wolgast, K. & Finnegan, A. Working together for a common goal: The International Armed Forces Community Nursing Collaborative. Building Healthy Academic Communities Journal. 7(2) : 15-24, 2023.
  • Wilmoth, M.C, Cope, M., Rossiter, A.G., & Ling, C.G. The Reserve Component Connected Family In Your School: Still Invisible. On the Move: The Official Magazine of the Military Child Education Coalition. 16(1) : 16-17, 2023.