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Newborn baby holding mother's hand

Pediatric Division of Neonatology

The Division of Neonatology at the University of South Florida, Morsani College of Medicine, is located at Tampa General Hospital on Davis Island, overlooking beautiful Hillsborough Bay. USF Neonatology is a participant in the Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative, whose mission is to improve Florida's maternal and infant health outcomes by assuring quality perinatal care for all Florida women and infants. Tampa General Hospital is a designated Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Center with over 7,000 deliveries a year. The USF faculty staff the Jennifer Leigh Muma Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - Level III NICU - with its 82 private rooms. Division members attend high-risk deliveries, provide care for premature and critically ill newborns and infants, support a neonatal transport team, teach fellows, residents, and medical students, as well as conduct research.

For research being conducted by our faculty, please visit our Clinical Research page.