Active (American Association for Cancer Research, 2010 - Present)
Full Member (Society for Gynecologic Oncology, 2002 - Present)
Regular Member (Society for Reproductive Investigation, 1995 - Present)
Recent Publications
Gao Q, Liang WW, Foltz SM, Mutharasu G, Jayasinghe RG, Cao S, Liao WW, Reynolds SM, Wyczalkowski MA, Yao L, Yu L, Sun SQ, Chen K, Lazar AJ, Fields RC, Wendl MC, Van Tine BA, Vij R, Chen F, Nykter M, Shmulevich I, Ding L. Driver Fusions and Their Implications in the Development and Treatment of Human Cancers.Cell reports. 23(1) : 227-238.e3, 2018.
Ge Z, Leighton JS, Wang Y, Peng X, Chen Z, Chen H, Sun Y, Yao F, Li J, Zhang H, Liu J, Shriver CD, Hu H, Piwnica-Worms H, Ma L, Liang H. Integrated Genomic Analysis of the Ubiquitin Pathway across Cancer Types.Cell reports. 23(1) : 213-226.e3, 2018.
Campbell JD, Yau C, Bowlby R, Liu Y, Brennan K, Fan H, Taylor AM, Wang C, Walter V, Akbani R, Byers LA, Creighton CJ, Coarfa C, Shih J, Cherniack AD, Gevaert O, Prunello M, Shen H, Anur P, Chen J, Cheng H, Hayes DN, Bullman S, Pedamallu CS, Ojesina AI, Sadeghi S, Mungall KL, Robertson AG, Benz C, Schultz A, Kanchi RS, Gay CM, Hegde A, Diao L, Wang J, Ma W, Sumazin P, Chiu HS, Chen TW, Gunaratne P, Donehower L, Rader JS, Zuna R, Al-Ahmadie H, Lazar AJ, Flores ER, Tsai KY, Zhou JH, Rustgi AK, Drill E, Shen R, Wong CK, Stuart JM, Laird PW, Hoadley KA, Weinstein JN, Peto M, Pickering CR, Chen Z, Van Waes C. Genomic, Pathway Network, and Immunologic Features Distinguishing Squamous Carcinomas.Cell reports. 23(1) : 194-212.e6, 2018.
Anderson ML, Bodurka DC. Thoracotomy for the management of recurrent vaginal leiomyosarcoma.International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society. 18(1) : 188-90
Anderson ML, Ogunwale A, Clark BA, Kilpatrick CC, Mach CM. Preferences and Outcomes for Chemotherapy Teaching in a Postgraduate Obstetrics and Gynecology Training Program.Journal of surgical education. 72(5) : 936-41
Miller H, Anderson ML. Author''s Reply.Journal of minimally invasive gynecology. 24(7) : 1244
Saltz J, Gupta R, Hou L, Kurc T, Singh P, Nguyen V, Samaras D, Shroyer KR, Zhao T, Batiste R, Van Arnam J, Shmulevich I, Rao AUK, Lazar AJ, Sharma A, Thorsson V. Spatial Organization and Molecular Correlation of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Using Deep Learning on Pathology Images.Cell reports. 23(1) : 181-193.e7, 2018.
Miller H, Pipkin LS, Tung C, Hall TR, Masand RP, Anderson ML. The Role of Routine Peritoneal and Omental Biopsies at Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy.Journal of minimally invasive gynecology. 24(5) : 772-776
Way GP, Sanchez-Vega F, La K, Armenia J, Chatila WK, Luna A, Sander C, Cherniack AD, Mina M, Ciriello G, Schultz N, Sanchez Y, Greene CS. Machine Learning Detects Pan-cancer Ras Pathway Activation in The Cancer Genome Atlas.Cell reports. 23(1) : 172-180.e3, 2018.
Ogunwale AN, Anderson ML, Sangi-Haghpeykar H. Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy and Maternal and Neonatal Health Among Hispanic Women.The Journal of reproductive medicine. 62(1-2) : 65-71
Hanania AN, Myers P, Yoder AK, Bulut A, Henry Yu Z, Eraj S, Bowers J, Bonnen MD, Echeverria A, Hall TR, Anderson ML, Ludwig M. Inversely and adaptively planned interstitial brachytherapy: A single implant approach.Gynecologic oncology. 152(2) : 353-360, 2019.
Desai P, Wallace R, Anderson ML, Howard BV, Ray R, Wu C, Safford M, Martin LW, Schlecht N, Liu S, Cirillo D, Jay A, Manson JE, Simon MS. An analysis of the effect of statins on the risk of Non-Hodgkin''s Lymphoma in the Women''s Health Initiative cohort.Cancer medicine. 7(5) : 2121-2130, 2018.
Schaub FX, Dhankani V, Berger AC, Trivedi M, Richardson AB, Shaw R, Zhao W, Zhang X, Ventura A, Liu Y, Ayer DE, Hurlin PJ, Cherniack AD, Eisenman RN, Bernard B, Grandori C. Pan-cancer Alterations of the MYC Oncogene and Its Proximal Network across the Cancer Genome Atlas.Cell systems. 6(3) : 282-300.e2, 2018.
Liu J, Lichtenberg T, Hoadley KA, Poisson LM, Lazar AJ, Cherniack AD, Kovatich AJ, Benz CC, Levine DA, Lee AV, Omberg L, Wolf DM, Shriver CD, Thorsson V, Hu H. An Integrated TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource to Drive High-Quality Survival Outcome Analytics.Cell. 173(2) : 400-416.e11, 2018.
Ellrott K, Bailey MH, Saksena G, Covington KR, Kandoth C, Stewart C, Hess J, Ma S, Chiotti KE, McLellan M, Sofia HJ, Hutter C, Getz G, Wheeler D, Ding L. Scalable Open Science Approach for Mutation Calling of Tumor Exomes Using Multiple Genomic Pipelines.Cell systems. 6(3) : 271-281.e7, 2018.
Chen H, Li C, Peng X, Zhou Z, Weinstein JN, Liang H. A Pan-Cancer Analysis of Enhancer Expression in Nearly 9000 Patient Samples.Cell. 173(2) : 386-399.e12, 2018.
Desai P, Wallace R, Anderson ML, Howard BV, Ray RM, Wu C, Safford M, Martin LW, Rohan T, Manson JE, Simon MS. An analysis of the association between statin use and risk of endometrial and ovarian cancers in the Women''s Health Initiative.Gynecologic oncology. 148(3) : 540-546, 2018.
Bailey MH, Tokheim C, Porta-Pardo E, Sengupta S, Bertrand D, Weerasinghe A, Colaprico A, Wendl MC, Kim J, Reardon B, Ng PK, Jeong KJ, Cao S, Wang Z, Gao J, Gao Q, Wang F, Liu EM, Mularoni L, Rubio-Perez C, Nagarajan N, Cortés-Ciriano I, Zhou DC, Liang WW, Hess JM, Yellapantula VD, Tamborero D, Gonzalez-Perez A, Suphavilai C, Ko JY, Khurana E, Park PJ, Van Allen EM, Liang H, Lawrence MS, Godzik A, Lopez-Bigas N, Stuart J, Wheeler D, Getz G, Chen K, Lazar AJ, Mills GB, Karchin R, Ding L. Comprehensive Characterization of Cancer Driver Genes and Mutations.Cell. 173(2) : 371-385.e18, 2018.
Shahzad MMK, Felder M, Ludwig K, Van Galder HR, Anderson ML, Kim J, Cook ME, Kapur AK, Patankar MS. Trans10,cis12 conjugated linoleic acid inhibits proliferation and migration of ovarian cancer cells by inducing ER stress, autophagy, and modulation of Src.PloS one. 13(1) : e0189524, 2018.
Huang KL, Mashl RJ, Wu Y, Ritter DI, Wang J, Oh C, Paczkowska M, Reynolds S, Wyczalkowski MA, Oak N, Scott AD, Krassowski M, Cherniack AD, Houlahan KE, Jayasinghe R, Wang LB, Zhou DC, Liu D, Cao S, Kim YW, Koire A, McMichael JF, Hucthagowder V, Kim TB, Hahn A, Wang C, McLellan MD, Al-Mulla F, Johnson KJ, Lichtarge O, Boutros PC, Raphael B, Lazar AJ, Zhang W, Wendl MC, Govindan R, Jain S, Wheeler D, Kulkarni S, Dipersio JF, Reimand J, Meric-Bernstam F, Chen K, Shmulevich I, Plon SE, Chen F, Ding L. Pathogenic Germline Variants in 10,389 Adult Cancers.Cell. 173(2) : 355-370.e14, 2018.
Shamshirsaz AA, Fox KA, Erfani H, Clark SL, Shamshirsaz AA, Nassr AA, Sundgren NC, Jones JA, Anderson ML, Kassir E, Salmanian B, Buffie AW, Hui SK, Espinoza J, Tyer-Viola LA, Rac M, Karbasian N, Ballas J, Dildy GA, Belfort MA. Outcomes of Planned Compared With Urgent Deliveries Using a Multidisciplinary Team Approach for Morbidly Adherent Placenta.Obstetrics and gynecology. 131(2) : 234-241, 2018.
Malta TM, Sokolov A, Gentles AJ, Burzykowski T, Poisson L, Weinstein JN, Kamińska B, Huelsken J, Omberg L, Gevaert O, Colaprico A, Czerwińska P, Mazurek S, Mishra L, Heyn H, Krasnitz A, Godwin AK, Lazar AJ, Stuart JM, Hoadley KA, Laird PW, Noushmehr H, Wiznerowicz M. Machine Learning Identifies Stemness Features Associated with Oncogenic Dedifferentiation.Cell. 173(2) : 338-354.e15, 2018.
Thorsson V, Gibbs DL, Brown SD, Wolf D, Bortone DS, Ou Yang TH, Porta-Pardo E, Gao GF, Plaisier CL, Eddy JA, Ziv E, Culhane AC, Paull EO, Sivakumar IKA, Gentles AJ, Malhotra R, Farshidfar F, Colaprico A, Parker JS, Mose LE, Vo NS, Liu J, Liu Y, Rader J, Dhankani V, Reynolds SM, Bowlby R, Califano A, Cherniack AD, Anastassiou D, Bedognetti D, Rao A, Chen K, Krasnitz A, Hu H, Malta TM, Noushmehr H, Pedamallu CS, Bullman S, Ojesina AI, Lamb A, Zhou W, Shen H, Choueiri TK, Weinstein JN, Guinney J, Saltz J, Holt RA, Rabkin CE, Lazar AJ, Serody JS, Demicco EG, Disis ML, Vincent BG, Shmulevich L. The Immune Landscape of Cancer.Immunity. 48(4) : 812-830.e14, 2018.
Sanchez-Vega F, Mina M, Armenia J, Chatila WK, Luna A, La KC, Dimitriadoy S, Liu DL, Kantheti HS, Saghafinia S, Chakravarty D, Daian F, Gao Q, Bailey MH, Liang WW, Foltz SM, Shmulevich I, Ding L, Heins Z, Ochoa A, Gross B, Gao J, Zhang H, Kundra R, Kandoth C, Bahceci I, Dervishi L, Dogrusoz U, Zhou W, Shen H, Laird PW, Way GP, Greene CS, Liang H, Xiao Y, Wang C, Iavarone A, Berger AH, Bivona TG, Lazar AJ, Hammer GD, Giordano T, Kwong LN, McArthur G, Huang C, Tward AD, Frederick MJ, McCormick F, Meyerson M, Van Allen EM, Cherniack AD, Ciriello G, Sander C, Schultz N. Oncogenic Signaling Pathways in The Cancer Genome Atlas.Cell. 173(2) : 321-337.e10, 2018.
Ding L, Bailey MH, Porta-Pardo E, Thorsson V, Colaprico A, Bertrand D, Gibbs DL, Weerasinghe A, Huang KL, Tokheim C, Cortés-Ciriano I, Jayasinghe R, Chen F, Yu L, Sun S, Olsen C, Kim J, Taylor AM, Cherniack AD, Akbani R, Suphavilai C, Nagarajan N, Stuart JM, Mills GB, Wyczalkowski MA, Vincent BG, Hutter CM, Zenklusen JC, Hoadley KA, Wendl MC, Shmulevich L, Lazar AJ, Wheeler DA, Getz G. Perspective on Oncogenic Processes at the End of the Beginning of Cancer Genomics.Cell. 173(2) : 305-320.e10, 2018.
Hoadley KA, Yau C, Hinoue T, Wolf DM, Lazar AJ, Drill E, Shen R, Taylor AM, Cherniack AD, Thorsson V, Akbani R, Bowlby R, Wong CK, Wiznerowicz M, Sanchez-Vega F, Robertson AG, Schneider BG, Lawrence MS, Noushmehr H, Malta TM, Stuart JM, Benz CC, Laird PW. Cell-of-Origin Patterns Dominate the Molecular Classification of 10,000 Tumors from 33 Types of Cancer.Cell. 173(2) : 291-304.e6, 2018.
Liu Y, Sethi NS, Hinoue T, Schneider BG, Cherniack AD, Sanchez-Vega F, Seoane JA, Farshidfar F, Bowlby R, Islam M, Kim J, Chatila W, Akbani R, Kanchi RS, Rabkin CS, Willis JE, Wang KK, McCall SJ, Mishra L, Ojesina AI, Bullman S, Pedamallu CS, Lazar AJ, Sakai R, Thorsson V, Bass AJ, Laird PW. Comparative Molecular Analysis of Gastrointestinal Adenocarcinomas.Cancer cell. 33(4) : 721-735.e8, 2018.
Wang Z, Yang B, Zhang M, Guo W, Wu Z, Wang Y, Jia L, Li S, Xie W, Yang D. lncRNA Epigenetic Landscape Analysis Identifies EPIC1 as an Oncogenic lncRNA that Interacts with MYC and Promotes Cell-Cycle Progression in Cancer.Cancer cell. 33(4) : 706-720.e9, 2018.
Ricketts CJ, De Cubas AA, Fan H, Smith CC, Lang M, Reznik E, Bowlby R, Gibb EA, Akbani R, Beroukhim R, Bottaro DP, Choueiri TK, Gibbs RA, Godwin AK, Haake S, Hakimi AA, Henske EP, Hsieh JJ, Ho TH, Kanchi RS, Krishnan B, Kwiatkowski DJ, Lui W, Merino MJ, Mills GB, Myers J, Nickerson ML, Reuter VE, Schmidt LS, Shelley CS, Shen H, Shuch B, Signoretti S, Srinivasan R, Tamboli P, Thomas G, Vincent BG, Vocke CD, Wheeler DA, Yang L, Kim WY, Robertson AG, Spellman PT, Rathmell WK, Linehan WM. The Cancer Genome Atlas Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Renal Cell Carcinoma.Cell reports. 23(12) : 3698, 2018.
Berger AC, Korkut A, Kanchi RS, Hegde AM, Lenoir W, Liu W, Liu Y, Fan H, Shen H, Ravikumar V, Rao A, Schultz A, Li X, Sumazin P, Williams C, Mestdagh P, Gunaratne PH, Yau C, Bowlby R, Robertson AG, Tiezzi DG, Wang C, Cherniack AD, Godwin AK, Kuderer NM, Rader JS, Zuna RE, Sood AK, Lazar AJ, Ojesina AI, Adebamowo C, Adebamowo SN, Baggerly KA, Chen TW, Chiu HS, Lefever S, Liu L, MacKenzie K, Orsulic S, Roszik J, Shelley CS, Song Q, Vellano CP, Wentzensen N, Weinstein JN, Mills GB, Levine DA, Akbani R. A Comprehensive Pan-Cancer Molecular Study of Gynecologic and Breast Cancers.Cancer cell. 33(4) : 690-705.e9, 2018.
Taylor AM, Shih J, Ha G, Gao GF, Zhang X, Berger AC, Schumacher SE, Wang C, Hu H, Liu J, Lazar AJ, Cherniack AD, Beroukhim R, Meyerson M. Genomic and Functional Approaches to Understanding Cancer Aneuploidy.Cancer cell. 33(4) : 676-689.e3, 2018.
Ricketts CJ, De Cubas AA, Fan H, Smith CC, Lang M, Reznik E, Bowlby R, Gibb EA, Akbani R, Beroukhim R, Bottaro DP, Choueiri TK, Gibbs RA, Godwin AK, Haake S, Hakimi AA, Henske EP, Hsieh JJ, Ho TH, Kanchi RS, Krishnan B, Kwiatkowski DJ, Lui W, Merino MJ, Mills GB, Myers J, Nickerson ML, Reuter VE, Schmidt LS, Shelley CS, Shen H, Shuch B, Signoretti S, Srinivasan R, Tamboli P, Thomas G, Vincent BG, Vocke CD, Wheeler DA, Yang L, Kim WY, Robertson AG, Spellman PT, Rathmell WK, Linehan WM. The Cancer Genome Atlas Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Renal Cell Carcinoma.Cell reports. 23(1) : 313-326.e5, 2018.
Chiu HS, Somvanshi S, Patel E, Chen TW, Singh VP, Zorman B, Patil SL, Pan Y, Chatterjee SS, Sood AK, Gunaratne PH, Sumazin P. Pan-Cancer Analysis of lncRNA Regulation Supports Their Targeting of Cancer Genes in Each Tumor Context.Cell reports. 23(1) : 297-312.e12, 2018.
Kahles A, Lehmann KV, Toussaint NC, Hüser M, Stark SG, Sachsenberg T, Stegle O, Kohlbacher O, Sander C, Rätsch G. Comprehensive Analysis of Alternative Splicing Across Tumors from 8,705 Patients.Cancer cell. 34(2) : 211-224.e6, 2018.
Bailey MH, Tokheim C, Porta-Pardo E, Sengupta S, Bertrand D, Weerasinghe A, Colaprico A, Wendl MC, Kim J, Reardon B, Kwok-Shing Ng P, Jeong KJ, Cao S, Wang Z, Gao J, Gao Q, Wang F, Liu EM, Mularoni L, Rubio-Perez C, Nagarajan N, Cortés-Ciriano I, Zhou DC, Liang WW, Hess JM, Yellapantula VD, Tamborero D, Gonzalez-Perez A, Suphavilai C, Ko JY, Khurana E, Park PJ, Van Allen EM, Liang H, Lawrence MS, Godzik A, Lopez-Bigas N, Stuart J, Wheeler D, Getz G, Chen K, Lazar AJ, Mills GB, Karchin R, Ding L. Comprehensive Characterization of Cancer Driver Genes and Mutations.Cell. 174(4) : 1034-1035, 2018.
Seiler M, Peng S, Agrawal AA, Palacino J, Teng T, Zhu P, Smith PG, Buonamici S, Yu L. Somatic Mutational Landscape of Splicing Factor Genes and Their Functional Consequences across 33 Cancer Types.Cell reports. 23(1) : 282-296.e4, 2018.
Zhang C, Wang X, Anaya Y, Parodi L, Cheng L, Anderson ML, Hawkins SM. Distinct molecular pathways in ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma with concurrent endometriosis.International journal of cancer. 143(10) : 2505-2515, 2018.
Jayasinghe RG, Cao S, Gao Q, Wendl MC, Vo NS, Reynolds SM, Zhao Y, Climente-González H, Chai S, Wang F, Varghese R, Huang M, Liang WW, Wyczalkowski MA, Sengupta S, Li Z, Payne SH, Fenyö D, Miner JH, Walter MJ, Vincent B, Eyras E, Chen K, Shmulevich I, Chen F, Ding L. Systematic Analysis of Splice-Site-Creating Mutations in Cancer.Cell reports. 23(1) : 270-281.e3, 2018.
Korkut A, Zaidi S, Kanchi RS, Rao S, Gough NR, Schultz A, Li X, Lorenzi PL, Berger AC, Robertson G, Kwong LN, Datto M, Roszik J, Ling S, Ravikumar V, Manyam G, Rao A, Shelley S, Liu Y, Ju Z, Hansel D, de Velasco G, Pennathur A, Andersen JB, O''Rourke CJ, Ohshiro K, Jogunoori W, Nguyen BN, Li S, Osmanbeyoglu HU, Ajani JA, Mani SA, Houseman A, Wiznerowicz M, Chen J, Gu S, Ma W, Zhang J, Tong P, Cherniack AD, Deng C, Resar L, Weinstein JN, Mishra L, Akbani R. A Pan-Cancer Analysis Reveals High-Frequency Genetic Alterations in Mediators of Signaling by the TGF-β Superfamily.Cell systems. 7(4) : 422-437.e7, 2018.
Peng X, Chen Z, Farshidfar F, Xu X, Lorenzi PL, Wang Y, Cheng F, Tan L, Mojumdar K, Du D, Ge Z, Li J, Thomas GV, Birsoy K, Liu L, Zhang H, Zhao Z, Marchand C, Weinstein JN, Bathe OF, Liang H. Molecular Characterization and Clinical Relevance of Metabolic Expression Subtypes in Human Cancers.Cell reports. 23(1) : 255-269.e4, 2018.
Wang Y, Xu X, Maglic D, Dill MT, Mojumdar K, Ng PK, Jeong KJ, Tsang YH, Moreno D, Bhavana VH, Peng X, Ge Z, Chen H, Li J, Chen Z, Zhang H, Han L, Du D, Creighton CJ, Mills GB, Camargo F, Liang H. Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of the Hippo Signaling Pathway in Cancer.Cell reports. 25(5) : 1304-1317.e5, 2018.
Knijnenburg TA, Wang L, Zimmermann MT, Chambwe N, Gao GF, Cherniack AD, Fan H, Shen H, Way GP, Greene CS, Liu Y, Akbani R, Feng B, Donehower LA, Miller C, Shen Y, Karimi M, Chen H, Kim P, Jia P, Shinbrot E, Zhang S, Liu J, Hu H, Bailey MH, Yau C, Wolf D, Zhao Z, Weinstein JN, Li L, Ding L, Mills GB, Laird PW, Wheeler DA, Shmulevich I, Monnat RJ, Xiao Y, Wang C. Genomic and Molecular Landscape of DNA Damage Repair Deficiency across The Cancer Genome Atlas.Cell reports. 23(1) : 239-254.e6, 2018.
. Comprehensive and Integrated Genomic Characterization of Adult Soft Tissue Sarcomas.Cell. 171(4) : 950-965.e28, 2017.
Mach CM, Kha C, Nguyen D, Shumway J, Meaders KM, Ludwig M, Williams-Brown MY, Anderson ML. A retrospective evaluation of furosemide and mannitol for prevention of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity.Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics. 42(3) : 286-291, 2017.
. Integrated genomic and molecular characterization of cervical cancer.Nature. 543(7645) : 378-384, 2017.
Cui Y, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Patsner B, Bump JMM, Williams-Brown MY, Binder GL, Masand RP, Anderson ML. Prognostic value of endocervical sampling following loop excision of high grade intraepithelial neoplasia.Gynecologic oncology. 144(3) : 547-552, 2017.
Delaney MA, Wan YW, Kim GE, Creighton CJ, Taylor MG, Masand R, Park A, Valdes C, Gibbons W, Liu Z, Anderson ML. A Role for Progesterone-Regulated sFRP4 Expression in Uterine Leiomyomas.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 102(9) : 3316-3326, 2017.
Ogunwale AN, Coleman MA, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Valverde I, Montealegre J, Jibaja-Weiss M, Anderson ML. Assessment of factors impacting cervical cancer screening among low-income women living with HIV-AIDS.AIDS care. 28(4) : 491-4, 2016.
Babic A, Bao Y, Qian ZR, Yuan C, Giovannucci EL, Aschard H, Kraft P, Amundadottir LT, Stolzenberg-Solomon R, Morales-Oyarvide V, Ng K, Stampfer MJ, Ogino S, Buring JE, Sesso HD, Gaziano JM, Rifai N, Pollak MN, Anderson ML, Cochrane BB, Luo J, Manson JE, Fuchs CS, Wolpin BM. Pancreatic Cancer Risk Associated with Prediagnostic Plasma Levels of Leptin and Leptin Receptor Genetic Polymorphisms.Cancer research. 76(24) : 7160-7167, 2016.
Miller H, Anderson ML, Smith CP, Shamshirsaz AA, Fox KA. Chylous Ascites Complicating Modified Radical Hysterectomy for Placenta Percreta.Obstetrics and gynecology. 128(5) : 973-975, 2016.
Ogunwale AN, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Montealegre J, Cui Y, Jibaja-Weiss M, Anderson ML. Non-utilization of the Pap Test Among Women with Frequent Health System Contact.Journal of immigrant and minority health. 18(6) : 1404-1412, 2016.
Miller H, Ike C, Parma J, Masand RP, Mach CM, Anderson ML. Molecular Targets and Emerging Therapeutic Options for Uterine Leiomyosarcoma.Sarcoma. 2016: 7018106, 2016.
Vasquez YM, Wu SP, Anderson ML, Hawkins SM, Creighton CJ, Ray M, Tsai SY, Tsai MJ, Lydon JP, DeMayo FJ. Endometrial Expression of Steroidogenic Factor 1 Promotes Cystic Glandular Morphogenesis.Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.). 30(5) : 518-32, 2016.
Hsieh GL, Linesch S, Sajjad A, Macdonald A, Bonnen M, Anderson ML, Ludwig MS. Treatment Compliance and Outcomes for Women With Locoregionally Advanced Cervical Cancer Treated in a Safety Net Health System.International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society. 25(9) : 1669-76, 2015.
Dong Y, Betancourt A, Chauhan M, Balakrishnan M, Lugo F, Anderson ML, Espinoza J, Fox K, Belfort M, Yallampalli C. Pregnancy Increases Relaxation in Human Omental Arteries to the CGRP Family of Peptides.Biology of reproduction. 93(6) : 134, 2015.
Ramondetta LM, Meyer LA, Schmeler KM, Daheri ME, Gallegos J, Scheurer M, Montealegre JR, Milbourne A, Anderson ML, Sun CC. Avoidable tragedies: Disparities in healthcare access among medically underserved women diagnosed with cervical cancer.Gynecologic oncology. 139(3) : 500-5, 2015.
Montealegre JR, Landgren RM, Anderson ML, Hoxhaj S, Williams S, Robinson DJ, Scheurer ME, Ramondetta LM. Acceptability of self-sample human papillomavirus testing among medically underserved women visiting the emergency department.Gynecologic oncology. 138(2) : 317-22, 2015.
Hsieh G, Anderson ML. Female tubal sterilization: the time has come to routinely consider removal.Obstetrics and gynecology. 124(5) : 1033, 2014.
Montealegre JR, Gossey JT, Anderson ML, Chenier RS, Chauca G, Rustveld LO, Jibaja-Weiss ML. Implementing targeted cervical cancer screening videos at the point of care.Patient education and counseling. 97(3) : 426-9, 2014.
Mansouri-Attia N, Tripurani SK, Gokul N, Piard H, Anderson ML, Eldin K, Pangas SA. TGFβ signaling promotes juvenile granulosa cell tumorigenesis by suppressing apoptosis.Molecular endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.). 28(11) : 1887-98, 2014.
Wan YW, Mach CM, Allen GI, Anderson ML, Liu Z. On the reproducibility of TCGA ovarian cancer microRNA profiles.PloS one. 9(1) : e87782, 2014.
Mach CM, Urh A, Anderson ML. Bowel perforation associated with temsirolimus use in a recently irradiated patient.American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. 71(11) : 919-23, 2014.
Francis JC, Kolomeyevskaya N, Mach CM, Dietrich JE, Anderson ML. MicroRNAs and Recent Insights into Pediatric Ovarian Cancers.Frontiers in oncology. 3: 95, 2013.
Hawkins SM, Loomans HA, Wan YW, Ghosh-Choudhury T, Coffey D, Xiao W, Liu Z, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Anderson ML. Expression and functional pathway analysis of nuclear receptor NR2F2 in ovarian cancer.The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. 98(7) : E1152-62, 2013.
Kabat GC, Anderson ML, Heo M, Hosgood HD, Kamensky V, Bea JW, Hou L, Lane DS, Wactawski-Wende J, Manson JE, Rohan TE. Adult stature and risk of cancer at different anatomic sites in a cohort of postmenopausal women.Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. 22(8) : 1353-63, 2013.
Zhang W, Wan YW, Allen GI, Pang K, Anderson ML, Liu Z. Molecular pathway identification using biological network-regularized logistic models.BMC genomics. 14 Suppl 8: S7, 2013.
Ramos CA, Narala N, Vyas GM, Leen AM, Gerdemann U, Sturgis EM, Anderson ML, Savoldo B, Heslop HE, Brenner MK, Rooney CM. Human papillomavirus type 16 E6/E7-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes for adoptive immunotherapy of HPV-associated malignancies.Journal of immunotherapy (Hagerstown, Md. : 1997). 36(1) : 66-76, 2013.
Lusby K, Savannah KB, Demicco EG, Zhang Y, Ghadimi MP, Young ED, Colombo C, Lam R, Dogan TE, Hornick JL, Lazar AJ, Hunt KK, Anderson ML, Creighton CJ, Lev D, Pollock RE. Uterine leiomyosarcoma management, outcome, and associated molecular biomarkers: a single institution''s experience.Annals of surgical oncology. 20(7) : 2364-72, 2013.
Rosen ML, Anderson ML, Hawkins SM. Pyomyoma after uterine artery embolization.Obstetrics and gynecology. 121(2 Pt 2 Suppl 1) : 431-3, 2013.
Mach CM, Kim J, Soibam B, Creighton CJ, Hawkins SM, Zighelboim I, Goodfellow P, Gunaratne PH, Odunsi K, Salem PA, Anderson ML. Novel MicroRNAs regulating proliferation and apoptosis in uterine papillary serous carcinomas.Cancer letters. 335(2) : 314-22, 2013.
Brewer Savannah KJ, Demicco EG, Lusby K, Ghadimi MP, Belousov R, Young E, Zhang Y, Huang KL, Lazar AJ, Hunt KK, Pollock RE, Creighton CJ, Anderson ML, Lev D. Dual targeting of mTOR and aurora-A kinase for the treatment of uterine Leiomyosarcoma.Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 18(17) : 4633-45, 2012.
Zhang P, Bill K, Liu J, Young E, Peng T, Bolshakov S, Hoffman A, Song Y, Demicco EG, Terrada DL, Creighton CJ, Anderson ML, Lazar AJ, Calin GG, Pollock RE, Lev D. MiR-155 is a liposarcoma oncogene that targets casein kinase-1α and enhances β-catenin signaling.Cancer research. 72(7) : 1751-62, 2012.
Rohozinski J, Edwards CL, Anderson ML. Does expression of the retrogene UTP14c in the ovary pre-dispose women to ovarian cancer?Medical hypotheses. 78(4) : 446-9, 2012.
Li Z, Feng S, Lopez V, Elhammady G, Anderson ML, Kaftanovskaya EM, Agoulnik AI. Uterine cysts in female mice deficient for caveolin-1 and insulin-like 3 receptor RXFP2.Endocrinology. 152(6) : 2474-82, 2011.
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