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MCOM Labs Directory

Wu Lab

My main research interests focus on the molecular mechanisms that regulate microvascular endothelial function and gut epithelial permeability. Currently, my laboratory is conducting research projects to investigate: 1) signaling mechanism of microvascular vasomotor and permeability responses to vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs); 2) the role and molecular mechanisms of fibrinogen degradation products (FDPs) in induced microvascular hyperpermeability under burn-relevant inflammatory conditions with a focus on the C-terminal fragments; 3) cell-specific mechanisms of leaky guts during trauma; and 4) the molecular mechanisms underlying FAK-mediated microvascular hyperpermeability during I/R injury. We conduct our research using an integrative approach that combines the in vivo microvessel model with cellular and molecular analyses. Experimental techniques that are currently employed in the lab include intravitalmicroscopy, fluorescence confocal microscopy, molecular biology, FRET, ECIS and genetic knockout models.