Innovation in Mental Health (iMH) Lab
Publications & Presentations
Select Recent Publications
** = trainee co-authors
Wilkerson AK, Wardle-Pinkston S, Dietch JR, Pruiksma K, Simmons RO, Bunnell BE, Taylor DJ. Web-based provider training of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia: Engagement rates, knowledge acquisition, and provider acceptability. Cogn Behav Ther. Forthcoming.
Select Recent Presentations
** = trainee co-authors
Wilkerson AK, Wardle-Pinkston S, Dietch JR, Pruiksma KE, Simmons RO, Bunnell BE, Taylor DJ. Integrating online provider trainings into a digital future: Development and launch of CBTIweb. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2021; New Orleans, LA.
**Lutzky C, **Zhu D, Paige SR, **Gutierrez A, **Slone H, **Hedriana H, **Barrera JF, Bunnell BE. A quantitative comparison of worries in military children with a deployed parent and other family types. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2021; New Orleans, LA.
**Lutzky C, **Hedriana H, **Slone H, **Gutierrez A, **Zhu D, **Barrera JF, Bunnell BE. Changes to psychosocial functioning in Florida mental health providers during Covid-19. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2021; New Orleans, LA.
**Zhu D, Paige SR, **Slone H, **Gutierrez A, **Lutzky C, **Hedriana H, **Barrera JF, Ong T, Bunnell BE. The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on telemental health practice. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2021; New Orleans, LA.
**Hedriana HD, **Lutzky C, **Zhu D, Beidel, DC, Mhaskar RS, Chen, L, Bunnell BE. Examining the effects of military deployment on the family environment. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2021; New Orleans, LA.
Paige SR, Campbell-Salome G, Alpert J, Markham MJ, Murphy M, Heffron E, Hampton CN, Harle C, Le T, Xue W, Bunnell BE, Bylund CL. Cancer patients' experiences and satisfaction using telemedicine to communicate with providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare; October, 2021; Virtual Conference.
**Barrera JF, Paige SR, **Wilczewski H, Ong T, Welch BM, Bunnell BE. The provision of culturally competent care via telemedicine: Examining perceived skills of mental health providers by race and rurality. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo; October, 2021; Denver, CO.
Wilkerson AK, Taylor DJ, Dietch JR, Pruiksma KE, Calhoun CD, Milanak ME, Wardle-Pinkston S, Rheingold AA, Ruggiero KJ, Bunnell BE. Implementation, engagement rates, knowledge gains, and provider acceptability of a new web-based provider training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia (CBT-I). In KE Pruiksma (Chair), Innovative Solutions to Behavioral Sleep Medicine Challenges: Development and Launch of a Web-Based Provider Training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine; September, 2021; Nashville, TN.
Paige SR, Bunnell BE, Bylund CL. Patient-centered communication via telemedicine: Who are we leaving behind? Annual International Communication Association Conference; May, 2021; Virtual Conference.
**Patel N, Bunnell BE. Examining the mediational role of the family environment in the relation between parent and child anxiety and depression. USF Undergraduate Research Conference; April, 2021; Tampa, FL.
**Thakkar RN, Bunnell BE. The effect of parents’ stress on child academic functioning. USF Undergraduate Research Conference; April, 2021; Tampa, FL.
**Thakkar RN, **Barrera JF, Paige SR, Welch BM, Kazantzis N, Turner D, Bunnell BE. Insights into the provision of telemental health services. Annual USF Health Research Day; February, 2021; Tampa, FL.
**Zhu D, Paige SR, **Slone H, **Gutierrez A, **Lutzky C, **Hedriana H, **Barrera JF, Ong T, Bunnell BE. Exploring telemental health practice before, during, and after the covid-19 pandemic. Annual USF Health Research Day; February, 2021; Tampa, FL.
**Slone H, **Gutierrez A, **Lutzky C, **Hedriana H, **Barrera JF, Paige SR, Bunnell BE. Assessing the impact of covid-19 on mental health providers and their practice. Annual USF Health Research Day; February, 2021; Tampa, FL.
**Lutzky C, **Zhu D, Paige SR, **Guetierrez A, **Hedriana H, **Slone H, Beidel DC, Bunnell BE. A comparative content analysis of daily worries in children with a deployed military parent and children from other family types. Annual USF Health Research Day; February, 2021; Tampa, FL.
**Barrera JF, Welch BM, Turner D, Bunnell BE. Characteristics of “real-world” telemental health providers and their use and perspectives on telemedicine. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2020; Virtual Conference.
**Barrera JF, Welch BM, Kazantzis N, **Thakkar RN, Turner D, Bunnell BE. Insight from mental health providers and the use of telemental health in the delivery of mental health services. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2020; Virtual Conference.
**Ermekbaeva A, Ruggiero KJ, Davidson TM, Anton MT, **Barrera JF, Bunnell BE. Revisiting the predictive value of heart rate relative to PTSD and depression in trauma center patients: Does it matter when it’s measured? Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2020; Virtual Conference.
**Ermekbaeva A, Ruggiero KJ, Davidson TM, Anton MT, **Barrera JF, Bunnell BE. Concurrent validity of the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory (PDI) in relation to physiological indicators of peritraumatic distress in trauma center patients. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention; November, 2020; Virtual Conference.
**Slone H, **Gutierrez A, **Lutzky C, **Zhu D, **Hedriana H, Bunnell BE. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health practice: A statewide survey of mental health practitioners. Annual USF Health Research, Innovation, and Scholarly Endeavors (RISE) Student Symposium; October, 2020; Tampa, FL.
Taylor DJ, Bunnell BE, Calhoun C, Pruiksma KE, Dietch JR, Wardle-Pinkston S, Milanak M, Rheingold A, Peterson A, Morin C, Ruggiero KJ, Brim W, Dolan D, Wilkerson AK. Developing and testing a web-based provider training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia. Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting, August, 2020; Philadelphia, PA.
Taylor DJ, Wilkerson AK, Bunnell BE, Calhoun C, Pruiksma KE, Dietch JR, Milanak M, Rheingold AA, Peterson A, Morin C, Brim W, Ruggiero KJ, Dolan D, Wardle-Pinkston S, Dolan MA. Developing and testing a web-based provider training for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia. Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions; April, 2020; San Francisco, CA.
Obeid JS, Bunnell BE, Dahne J, Crawford T, Frey L. Detecting Intentional Self-Harm Reported in Clinical Text Using a Deep Learning Model. AMIA 2020 Informatics Summit; March, 2020; Houston, TX.
**Ermekbaeva A, Ruggiero KJ, Davidson TM, Anton MT, Barrera JF, Bunnell BE. Revisiting the predictive value of heart rate relative to PTSD and depression in trauma center patients: Does it matter when it's measured? USF Research Day; February, 2020; Tampa, FL.
**Ermekbaeva A, Ruggiero KJ, Davidson TM, Anton MT, Barrera JF, Bunnell BE. Concurrent validity of the Peritraumatic Distress Inventory (PDI) in relation to physiological indicators of peritraumatic distress in trauma center patients. USF Research Day; February, 2020; Tampa, FL.