Morsani College of Medicine Committees
Appointment, Promotion & Tenure Committee
Committee Charge:
The charge of the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure (APT) Committee is to review the credentials of all faculty whose appointment is proposed at the rank of associate professor or professor, review applications for promotion of faculty to the rank of associate professor or professor, and review the credentials of those eligible faculty being considered for tenure. Following review, the committee will make recommendations regarding appointments, promotions, and tenure to the dean. Members of the APT Committee will be required to recuse themselves from deliberation and vote when the committee is considering the appointment, promotion, or tenure of a faculty member from their department. Committee members can deliberate and vote on faculty within their department for those departments with multiple divisions (e.g., Internal Medicine), but cannot deliberate and vote on faculty within their division.
The Committee will be composed of 15 voting faculty members. The Committee will include no less than six tenured members of the faculty, representing both the clinical, and the basic science faculty, and one faculty member each from the USF-Lehigh Valley campus and the SPT&RS. At least four committee members will be from the basic science faculty, and at least six will be from the clinical faculty. Two-thirds of the tenured faculty on the committee will hold the rank of professor, with the remainder holding the rank of professor or associate professor. No department or school will have more than two members on this Committee. The Committee should adequately represent the different constituencies within the MCOM.
All members of the APT Committee are voting members and vote on appointments, promotions, and tenure applications at all ranks. The chair and vice chair are appointed by the dean.
Moffitt/USF MCOM Joint APT Subcommittee
The charge of the Moffitt/USF MCOM Joint APT Subcommittee is to review and make recommendations to the dean on the joint Moffitt/USF MCOM promotion applications. Moffitt faculty who have a concurrent appointment with MCOM may apply for promotion at both institutions through a joint process. The committee is composed of seven members of the MCOM APT Committee that are selected by the MCOM APT Committee chair in consultation with the dean. The term of service is for one year. The chair of the Moffitt/USF Joint APT Subcommittee is elected by its members. A quorum is defined as four or more voting members.
Collaborative Faculty APT Subcommittee
Collaborative faculty make important contributions to the MCOM. Collaborative faculty are those faculty with appointments with a single assignment from among the four areas of focus: Research, Clinical Care, Teaching, and Service/Administration/Leadership. The charge of the Collaborative Faculty APT Subcommittee is to review and make recommendations to the dean on the collaborative faculty promotion applications, and to review and make recommendations to the dean of faculty whose appointments are proposed at the rank of associate professor or professor. The Committee is composed of three members of the collaborative faculty, and the chair and vice chair of the MCOM APT Committee. The term of service is for three years. The chair of the MCOM APT Committee will serve as the chair of the Subcommittee.