Physical Therapy Center

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(813) 821-8031

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Sports, Dance and Performing Arts Injuries

Participating in sports and the performing arts can often result in injury.  Pro athletes, performing artists and weekend warriors alike experience injuries that are a result of accidents, insufficient stretching, or inadequate training. 

Sports and performing arts injuries are categorized as overuse and acute:

  • Overuse injuries are a result of repetitive activity and may be prevented by proper training, and listening to our bodies when pain and discomfort set in.  Consulting a physical therapist when beginning a new exercise regime or at the first sign of discomfort can keep you in the game or performing longer.

  • Acute injuries are most often the result of a single trauma. Our physical therapists are trained and specialized in recognizing the best course of treatment to help the artist or the athlete return to perform at their highest potential.  

At USF Health we want to get you back in the game or on stage as soon as possible, by identifying and treating the problem, and giving our patients the tools to enjoy a healthy active lifestyle free from injury and pain, we offer: 

  • Running evaluation and treatment
  • Performing arts evaluation and management
  • Dance specific evaluation and management
  • Concussion management
  • Return to sport therapy


USF Health Physical Therapy Center
3500 Fletcher Ave. Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33613


  • Dawn Muci, DPT, SCS, MTC, MSPT, ATC, CSCS